Stupidity does not protect against punishment.
It is for children.
Stupidity does not protect against punishment.
It is for children.
You’re not tolerating it by taking him aside, explaining to him why it’s not acceptable even as a joke, and warning him not to do it again.
You’re free to think that, but I respectfully disagree.
If he kept doing it, sure. But taking him aside and talking to him could be more effective and less damaging than getting the authorities involved and humiliating him to “prove a point.”
Show him that we’re on the same side. If we treat him like an enemy when he really isn’t one, he very well may become one.
I’ve noticed brave users are some of the biggest useful idiots on the internet.
I genuinely think there are 2 classes of brave users: people who are invested in the company trying to viral market it, and the morons who fall for it.
The american dream right here.
It’s why american cars suck. Nobody buys dodge overseas.
You have to be stupid enough to buy something just to support your ruling class in order to buy american cars.
What’s sad is a significant amount of people have simply been conditioned to accept that level of noise in their lives.
If things are quieter and they aren’t getting products shoved in their faces 24/7, they become visibly uncomfortable.
As long as the money never touches the hands of those who need it, the ruling class is satisfied.
They’re just testing to see what people are willing to accept.
Every time you see a useful idiot saying “it’s not that bad” or “they’re a business and they need to make money”, you know who to blame for why things are the way they are.
You must be new to the world or just lacking experience in your adult life.
I guess you’ve never seen young people support bad guys specifically because it’s provocative. They don’t know any better and to assume that this kid wants a nazi regime because he did a hitler salute is asinine.
I could see him finding real support now among those who do want a nazi regime because of how he was treated by us. We should be compassionate with these kids instead of trying to beat them into submission.
Could easily see this radicalizing him if he isn’t already.
It’s easy to make dumb edgy jokes as a teenager without actually believing whatever you’re joking about.
Humiliating this kid like this is really just trying to make an example out of him rather than solving any problem or helping him in any way.
This could’ve easily been solved by the teacher taking him aside and explaining to him why that’s not acceptable. If he keeps doing it after being warned, then it’s fine to escalate.
Performing a seig heil is illegal in Poland, and carries a potential sentence of up to two years in prison.
What the fuck. I feel like this does more harm than good.
If you’re looking for a free VPN, I’ve had good experiences with https://riseup.net/en/vpn
I love Filelight. Whoever came up with it is brilliant.
Why do you agree with their censorship and lying?
GPL does not restrict you from selling the software
Oh god, we know.
Practically speaking though, if anyone can redistribute it for free then it’s available for free.
It’s twice the amount you were complaining about, and there are bigger drives than the one I have.
Edit: I just realized he’s probably talking about being stuck on 1tb compared to when we had 1gb drives. Then we had 100gb drives, then 500gb, then 1tb. He’s probably commenting on why we don’t have 100tb+ drives yet.
That’s all I can think of, and my response would simply be there are diminishing returns to the exponential growth of hardware.
So LTS isn’t really LTS.
Glad I switched to Debian.
However, Ubuntu started a service called Ubuntu Pro / ESM that provides updates for packages in universe.
Since it’s all free software, what gives Ubuntu the privilege to restrict these updates behind paywalls and signups?
Pro is also free for personal use on up to 5 machines, so there’s no reason not to enable it.
Fuck that bullshit. We shouldn’t be encouraging or enabling this behavior at all.
It sure seems that way. Their “extended security maintenance” spam says that there are security updates that are only available if you “subscribe”.
I asked the Linux community about this, and didn’t get a straight answer (not surprised.)
It was enough for me to switch to Debian, though. There’s no excuse for updates to be locked behind paywalls or sign-ups in the free software ecosystem.
Streisand Effect + others