Make solutions in search of problems while collecting big tech premiums. If anyone accuses you of wasteful spending call them science illiterate to turn the public against them to divert the attention away from yourself.
Make solutions in search of problems while collecting big tech premiums. If anyone accuses you of wasteful spending call them science illiterate to turn the public against them to divert the attention away from yourself.
It means accounts that consistently upvote posts that end up being banned.
The naive take is that this will remove bot/brigade swarms that are collaboratively boosting content that breaks site wide rules. You can derive ulterior motives from this if you want but I’m pretty sure that’s the basic premise.
I have no doubt this will be leveraged by the far-right to sow more discord. They already have a history of raiding subreddits with false flag attacks to get them sanctioned until it escalates into full blown subreddit ban. This is all but formalizing the mechanism.
Brave browser is a litmus test.
So capitalism.
Find people in your area. Do tangible organizational things in real life.
Don’t waste time making solutions in search of problems. Some doodad isn’t going to help anyone. Nobody is wiring up an arduino lora whatever gadget. ‘B-but just buy the modules and conn…’ Stop. It’s useless. Doesn’t help anyone. No on is fidgeting with an Arduino sketch and some antenna wires and checking the 18650 battery while trying send packets to a guy over there. None of this matters when you’re all getting pepper sprayed with boots on your neck.
You can pull out the RF gear when the nukes have sent us back to the stone age.
Your parents witnessed the fall of communism. We are here to witness the fall of capitalism. Your stocks will be worthless. Don’t worry about taxes.
The world has been in a gigantic psychological experiment.
Penthouse Forumreddit, I’m a 20 year-old college student and I never thought I’d be writing to thePenthouse Forumreddit, but…
It’s the lowest common denominator of smut entertainment. The tech companies have managed to veil it all in prestige. It should be called gossip media or something.
Instead people think there’s some kind of real human connection. Some kind of deep discussions happening.
Yeah obviously we’ve completely lost the plot a long time ago. Nobody even remembers when tech was bands of ragtag nerds making something out of nothing. Now they are the rich whose only purpose to is extract more wealth. Tech what? Who even knows anymore.
That includes the average tech workers. If that angers you then you’re lost too.
Nobody has noticed that there’s more bragging about compensation than accomplishments. It used to be the other way around. Nerds eagerly showing off to anyone who will listen about whatever thing they cooked up. It’s been this way for the past long time long before this LLM AI era.
Nothing happened. The generational war another facet of culture war. It doesn’t make sense because you have to ask what the fuck happened to Gen X? Why don’t they fit into the picture? Why doesn’t the data add up? That should tell you something. Your experiment is flawed. The culture war doesn’t make sense.
Their bullet points are spin-doctoring.
Also the comment got a few dozen upvotes almost immediately. Suspicious.
It’s abundant on the moon. It can be mined. There’s another space race going on. We don’t hear about it because the west isn’t winning. And we’re in the middle of another cold war where propaganda must control the narrative.
It’s not a question. It’s an opinion massaged into an question so you will have to hear how shit it is because otherwise you wouldn’t.
People aren’t as principled as they like to think they are.
They built a wall too.
It was to wipe the news cycle. It worked. Do you remember what it was? Does anyone?
The internet had always been full of those gun boner guys fantasizing about taking up arms against threats to freedom. Younger me had no clue they were the tyranny themselves.
Videos anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes at an anxiety inducing attention disorder riddled pace. Yet all the information can usually be boiled down to a 5 to 10 minute read. It makes no sense. But actually it does because these “infuencers” are modern day infomercial salesmen. The point is to keep you watching so eventually you’ll be persuaded to purchase product. Unfortunately I think probably anyone under maybe 25-30 has no clue wtf an infomercial is so the analogy is lost on those who could use it the most.
There’s a whole thing in sports psychology about what happens when you give kids millions of dollars. Not only that but they are the top in the world at what they do. They were raised to believe they are a special breed of human. It’s not just the top pros who get multi-million dollar contracts. It can happen to the kids who don’t even make it pro too. It mindfucks a person.
I’ve been saying for a long time this kind of thing happens in tech too. I grew up with a lot of guys who’ve made various levels of success in tech from average guy to multi-millionaires. It happens. They really do live in another reality. I don’t think it’s much different between the pro-sports bubble and the tech bubble. They live and breath tech. It’s their whole life. Replace tech with sport. Not much different.
One notable difference is that sports actually recognizes this phenomenon. It’s a known studied field of psychology. They make an effort to engage athletes in the community and stuff. Things that keep individuals grounded in reality.
I don’t think such things exists for tech. If anything they believe whatever latest antics they’re up to is what helps the community and helps themselves keep in touch with reality. Because what the world needs is one more world changing app, another bright idea for a startup that is totally making the world a better place and absolutely not strip mining human sanity for profit.
Famine around the world. Global political instability + climate change + economic downturn = food scarcity.
A high profile political assassination in the US or Europe.