They’re a vibe. I really like them at certain times.
They’re a vibe. I really like them at certain times.
Masturbation to get things started. CPAP machine to make sure I don’t suffocate in the middle of the night. Ear plugs to muffle out all the little noises.
My hope was to have to resort to less violence to get my grounds out.
Yep, this was the 2ish year mark.
Yep, just twist and the burr comes right out.
I love this community. All the strange things us dull men get up to.
This guy naps
Yep, have been doing so for a few years now. I’m happily married to a woman so it’s somewhat irrelevant what my feelings towards men and NB people are.
But fi you’re single and the guy is open to dating give it a shot.
Good work! Next level is simple braid. I (dad) did my daughter’s hair pretty much every day for years before she was old enough to brush it and choose her own style
Shit, I currently have 3 orphan socks just hanging out in the drawer.
So my “routine” is to not purposefully exercise at all.
Hear me out.
Working out at gym or just lifting for the sake of exercise drives me crazy. I always want to be accomplishing something or getting something done. So I bike to work twice a week. That’s 18 miles round trip in a hilly area. Great for cardio and legs. I also rock climb with my son twice a week for roughly 2-3 hours. So thats uppwr body and hand strength. Throw in an “active” weekenf life and i get plenty of exercise.
Now diet is the big one. Last year, after some experimentation I removed nearly all sugars from my diet. The calories I would have consumed from straight sugars I replaced with complex carbs (bread, pasta, rice). It was a hard transition to make and I had to teach myself to crave different things. But the result was 40lbs down over one year (205 > 165ish) . I can see my abs (not a super 6 pack or anything) and I get those sexy little hip lines that my wife loves. The one downside is that none of my pants fit and I have to cinch them with belts.
Mine is excedrin and a big ass cup of coffee
I’m not into dudes, just their dicks.
As a fellow crafty, cooking, mostly straight dude, I’m sorry to hear people calling your generosity and thoughtfulness “gay.”
Just finished this one. And honestly, it broke my brain and how I interpret other written narratives.
2nd on the physical copy. This text doesn’t work otherwise.
This was my introduction to Mieville. What a wild story told through China’s extremely dense language.
…keep a dictionary handy.
The premise for this book was so strange I often had to reread passages to fully understand the differing perspectives of people standing next to one another and yet be in two different realities.
This one is the most probable of all the replies. Mostly because Trump has been following Putin’s playback.
Albeit it might not be a full on conflict with a new nation but just a significant escalation i.e. Taiwan and China.