For that price I recommend an EU built router that comes with a modified OpenWRT but also allows installing vanilla one - Turris Omnia. It is also very modular an can be upgraded (e.g. with 5G)
For that price I recommend an EU built router that comes with a modified OpenWRT but also allows installing vanilla one - Turris Omnia. It is also very modular an can be upgraded (e.g. with 5G)
No thanks
Blazingly fast? Is it made in Rust or what?
MS has been using Linux on their servers for years
Where can I find beforehand which laptop supports S3? Are there any know brands that do?
Ignoring them. Nothing grinds their gears more.
I like the E corp logo
It would say PrototypeFilterStubFacadeBridgeDecoratorTaskRequestMapEventExporterInfoModelRequestIterator
You are right but also assume people care about that. Lots of time open sourcing your project is a way to collaborate with others, build a portfolio or just for fun. It’s not a statement.
I believe OpenSUSE uses something called “meta” packages that contain a bunch of other packages. For example if there’s games-meta package it will fetch a bunch of games and during update it may try to install them again. Search through installed packages and see if you have any meta ones.
“Don’t be evil” to whom? Shareholders? ;)
Post it to /r/3DS. Maybe /r/gaming as well?
I would agree but then I see a lot of toxicity even in small Facebook groups where most people use their real names. It’s just people I guess
Outdoor clothing in Europe - Mammut
When half of the apps your’re using start supporting wayland properly
Also check out Thinkpad z13 and z16, they are very fine similar machines as well
webdev level of bs
I choose nothing.
Or a website
The question is - are they off so they are not sent or are they off so you don’t see them? Sorry for tinfoil
I think I must have switched up currencies and somehow concluded the price is the same. That’s on me