The concernedly rising sightings of “could of” and “should of”. And it’s always the native English speakers. It irks me every time I see it. Why are you making such an obvious mistake? The sentence doesn’t even sound coherent. How about you speak the sentence aloud and see how wrong it sounds?
Where are the anonymous group and 4chan autists? They should attack these assholes. Attacking internet archive is like kicking a kitten. Everyone will hate you for it.
I wish there was some kind of open source collective organization under which you could release anything with eternal open source license that’d be free forever. It could be anything from software, tech or medicine like penicillin so that megacorps could not benefit from it in any way.
Yup. Every major media outlet is a sellout at this point. These days my only source of legit news comes from YouTube.
Your statement of what a hero does is more like a protagonist’s definition.
Regarding the characteristics of a hero, which you stated, that can also be applied to a villain. A villain can have the same traits except his sense of right and wrong is twisted or flawed. Tragic villains are often born because they were the unheard or defenceless. So now they will become the voice of the unheard.
My definition of a hero is someone who puts their own well-being far below than others’. Someone who will go out of his way to save a stranger whom he has never seen before. Someone who just keeps giving and giving until there’s nothing left. A selfless, kind, naive person. Superman is what I’d call a hero.
Luffy isn’t one. Yes he has a sense of right and wrong and is kind. But he’s selfish. He will beat anyone who stands in his way of achieving his dream. He has multiple times puts his crew in a pinch(because of stupidity) or state of financial ruin(by eating whole rations or spending all their hard earned fortune on parties).
And I’ve only heard him say I’m not a hero once or twice. But what he does say often is he want to be a pirate King.
Well then you haven’t been paying attention. His ideal of a pirate comes from a red haired guy with high values not from those who pillage, kill and steal for fun. And he rarely goes out of his way to help some rando. Every time he has helped someone, it’s because he considered them a friend or they helped luffy first out of their kindness. He’s just paying back their kindness. If it involves saving a burning Kingdom for a friend who happens to be its princess, then so be it.
Nothing heroic about it. Even villains help their friends. I won’t say it’s peak fiction. But it’s pretty close to it.
I can guarantee that any Android phone with a good modding community can last this much. He’s probably using Samsung galaxy s series or those old Google Nexus phone.
My phone’s official support stopped at Android 10 yet I’m currently running Android 14 with the help of custom rom.
Are you really saying Facebook is better then reddit and 4chan?
RIP revanced extended.
As some others have mentioned, regular workout will help a lot. Another thing you can do is cardio for 10 minutes before sleep and ending with a few minutes stretch to tire and loosen up your body. Also try to sleep at the same time daily. Your circadian rhythm will aid you too.