I see. Thanks for the reponse!
I see. Thanks for the reponse!
Do you mind elaborating on the benefits of FOSS for games? I see the benefits of FOSS for software, but not so much for games.
I’m curious what you think making SD FOSS would add. Imo, it’s a standout example of a game that hits way above it’s weight class and price point, and a dev that just won’t stop adding content.
Or they know that force-feeding themselves needless media that will just make them miserable is not worth it. People that don’t do things they won’t like aren’t “boycotting”. They’re just not doing it.
The task was to repeat what they said. So yes, it’s wrong.
Reposting doesn’t “bake” anything. Also, who the fuck cares? You’re not owed a constant steam of new content. Just move on if you’ve seen it already.
Your claim that “the instance is abandoned” was demonstratably untrue, which you’d have known if you’d bothered to taken a second to verify.
The nazi grifter (the one you were actually talking about) was banned long before that.
The admin stepped took care of that a while ago, now. At least look into it before “helpfully” lying.
Ah yes, he’s the “Internet prophet”. That gives him credibility.
Because that’s what we should be accepting now? Really?
I think your deduction as to why we’re in the shape we’re in in the US is poorly formed. People didn’t just wake up one day and decide to get their news from the clown network and then they voted in a clown. People who wanted more power and control deregulated industries, moved money out of communities, worsened public education, monopolized the media, monopolized industry, and stoked fear until people wanted any change and promise of safety regardless of who gave it.
I figured I’d summarize to the more immediate issue instead of writing a treatise on the last 70 years of US society. Sorry, I guess?
As for the topic at hand, my point is that Cory isn’t a “positive educated voice” in this matter. He’s shoehorning his special interest that he’s questionably qualified at into a topic that is entirely separate. And the only reason he has a platform is because he appeals to Internet denizens with his stoking of righteous anger at corporations. That’s far from a good baseline to start with when the stakes are that much higher than a blog article.
Ultimately, my “bad opinion” that you think is so harmful is that people should listen to voices with experience on the matter. I gather from your reply that you have gripes with authority figures, but I promise you that letting pop figures dictate the discussion isn’t going to solve anything.
If a hammer suggests using a nail to cook your sandwich, do you think maybe he has a point because he knows nails, or do you consider that maybe he just knows nothing about cooking?
Also, anyone can get “published”. It means nothing.
The only new thing about this is that it’s coming from the US. Irrational governments have and do exist in the real world and people have been dealing with them for centuries. Maybe look to them for answers instead of the random internet celebrity that has zero experience in the matter.
I’m not “taking it personally”. And he’s not just someone “commenting online” - he’s advocating for the Canadian government to take specific action based on his unqualified opinion, and I’m saying it shouldn’t be given a platform just because he has name recognition. It’s not unreasonable to call that out, and acting like I’m being hysterical just to discredit me is shitty.
The content is meaningless because he isn’t qualified. Valuing enjoyment and entertainment over information from people actually well versed in the given field is exactly how you get what’s happening in the US right now. It’s an appeal to emotion rather than logic - ironically something I expect Cory would claim to be against.
Can we stop sharing this guy’s every word like he’s an authority on everything? He’s a blogger, not an expert on international relations.
Abortion isn’t a “solution” to shit people. Also, the statement just supports the anti-choice claim of “murdering” babies.
He would be the sweaty fuck that cares about “beating” others in a pve game, too.
I can see the upside for some of those. Thanks for expansive response.