Thanks, that’s a bit more meat. Should probably look for their publications.
Thanks, that’s a bit more meat. Should probably look for their publications.
Latest Nature explains it was not superconductivity.
Thanks, good info. Never had any problems with pfsense or opnsense with Intel server NICs personally. Other than being fried.
I had no problems communicating a higher limit. They are not AWS but you can get 100s of instances.
The Haber-Bosch approach to breaking the nitrogen triple bond takes a lot of energy in terms of high pressure and temperature which is not present in the product, hence wasted. Ammonia is a fertilizer either as gas or as ammonium nitrate, and too precious to burn.
Another random fact: half of the combustion enthalpy present in liquid hydrogen has been spent on its liquification.
Haber-Bosch for fertilizer, Fischer-Tropsch for synfuel.
But, really, we need something with mild conditions and preferably something directly electrosynthesis driven. Large potential for improvement in both.
The more interesting approach is synmethanol, particularly via electrosynthesis. Only half of energy density of gasoline, and suitable for fuel cells, including DMFCs.
Pay for its hosting costs.
Too late for that. Technology has been redefined to mean whatever Si valley IT tech bros are up to.
I recommend to unsub and build topical communities.
We are using a Garmin in our Mitsubishi ASX rather than the built-in navi, probably a custom TomTom. Bluetooth is largely useless and buggy.
I would have bought a used Lada if it was just for me.
If it’s an EV I’d much prefer an open source platform. No such things, so far.
Doomscrolling used to have a meaning of browsing /r/collapse and /r/collapsescience rather than /r/worldnews
There is also neuroscience!neuroscience@lemmy.world
If you want to have an argument, try using arguments. Quantitative ones, like in https://escholarship.org/uc/energy_ambitions
If you don’t want to have a conversation, continue to use empty assertions and slurs. But count me out of that.
Your choice entirely.
That would be sure nice, but the hard numbers of the physical reality say otherwise.
If you think we do have 50 years I recommend to reexamine the data. E.g. https://escholarship.org/uc/energy_ambitions is pretty comprehensive.
Well, we don’t even have 50 years. Net energy of oil liquids is projected to peak as early as 2025. So trying to address that by trying to scale up even more volume only makes the energy cliff steeper.
The goals of renewable should be quantitative substitution of fossil primary energy within less than 50 years.
The only current storage technology cheap enough if you happen to have the nice problem of having to curtail renewable production during peak is water electrolysis – if you also happen to have the natgas storage and distribution infrastructure already in place.
MWh and GWh scale battery infrastructure isn’t cheap at all. It will likely take a decade to have affordable 10 kWh scale domestic storage, and it will be most likely sodium, not lithium. 100 kWh scale, which is almost enough for seasonal demand levelling will still take pressurized hydrogen in cylinders.
Lineage OS user. Don’t care.