Best Served Cold is in the early stages of being turned into a film with Rebecca Ferguson currently signed to lead. Abercrombie is joint writing the script, I believe.
Best Served Cold is in the early stages of being turned into a film with Rebecca Ferguson currently signed to lead. Abercrombie is joint writing the script, I believe.
Sorry, I’ve not played with hard mode. I did use to use uMatrix, but as that’s been deprecated and I find medium mode sufficient I can’t be of much help, I’m afraid. Hope you manage figure it out.
As an aside you can ditch Noscript if you put ublock into medium mode.
Beta has it too these days.
Lots of good suggestions so far, but not seen The Great mentioned. Filthy AF and one of the few shows I laugh out loud to (well, more like cackle loudly). I’ll also second the suggestion for Better Off Ted.
The full title of that film is “Highlander 2: The Sickening - There Should Only Have Been One”. Or it is as far as I’m concerned.
It’s also worked on beta builds for some time now as well. Which is nice since you only get prompted to update every now and then instead of daily.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll check it out for sure.