Sure, if they’re second generation it’s a different story
Sure, if they’re second generation it’s a different story
My wife is Chinese so I lean more in the direction of hating Chinese people 😂 Just kidding I love her to bits.
I get it though… while I was living in China there were so many things I enjoyed about it that I didn’t often complain. But being back in Europe, the aggravation grows.
You can say hating the people for what their government does is stupid, but when the people stand so resolutely by their government the hatred goes in the same direction. Unless you’ve lived there, you won’t understand the long process of indoctrination so you won’t have sympathy for their unthinking obedience.
I think Mars Attacks counts, although perhaps the humans and aliens were portrayed as being equally stupid 😄
EDIT: did not realise I was posting in a books group. Just came up in my main feed. Anyway Ima leave Mars Attacks here in case anybody forgot about this excellent film.
Same. 3h or less usually. Love my colleagues, the work is fine. But the requirements are so low that I’m able to manage a startup during work hours 😌 #softwaredeveloper
Thinkpads tend to have excellent build quality, solid firmware and well thought out design. Price to performance on second-hand models is always outstanding and their popularity ensures hardware compatibility with Linux.
Of the brands you named, I just don’t trust the hardware. Tuxedo computers for example uses Tongfang white-label computers that they just slap their logo on. Quality control isn’t as thorough as Lenovo’s, firmware is sketchy, TDP tends to be all over the place and keyboard quality doesn’t come close.
Thinkpads also have-- and I can’t stress the importance of this enough-- a nipple. I don’t really use it, but if you try to take it away from me I’ll bite you.
Did you know I have a pet?
gets out wallet
Here let me show you!
song by a band that fitted with my habit of nuking my PC every couple of weeks, either because I wanted to try a different Linux distro or because I got some kind of Limewire chlamydia
wipe the linux partitions and get back to a life of convenience and productivity. until another 6 months have passed and I think “maybe this time…”