Buy a keyboard and monitor
Buy a keyboard and monitor
No, that’s not how that works.
Users can generate their own keys, and you know it’s the same user as long as they have the same key, even if they’re on different servers.
No certificate authority is required for this kind of use case.
Using tools to break the encryption for backup purposes is legal in the US, but distributing tools to do so is not legal because the tools can be used for non-backup purposes.
I definitely remember hearing that term in the 90’s.
Your own rock, in this economy?
If you get ghosted, it only proves that that person is emotionally immature and wasn’t ready for a relationship anyway, so they did you a favor by outing themself.
This is not useful now, nor will something like this ever be useful.
The damage was not the actual pricing (which was cheaper than Unreal), the reason people are going to leave for Unreal/Godot and never come back is the loss of trust. Nobody wants to be chained down to a company that’s willing to pull the rug out like this.
Except Unreal already had the same kind of pricing structure that Unity is trying to move towards, that’s why Unity thought they could get away with it.
If you think they had impenetrable security before this, I’ve got some bad news for you…
Any time a gaming company does something stupid, leave it to gamers to out-stupid the company and prove that they deserved to get shit on in the first place
It’s federated, so the local user count is completely irrelevant.
Especially when OP even specifically said that you would see the SAME content, just with different sorting.
No, it’s not in Vivaldi
Vivaldi doesn’t (and won’t) have it.
Of course they can. Everyone knows that password managers exist.
The driver is always responsible for using the tools within the car correctly and maintaining control of the vehicle at all times.
Either way the driver would be at fault. However, the driver might be able to make a (completely separate) case that the car’s defects made control impossible, but since the driver always had the option to disable self-driving, I doubt that would go anywhere.
Just like you don’t get off the hook if your cruise control causes an accident… and it doesn’t matter how much Tesla lied about what it may or may not be capable of, because at the end of the day it’s always the driver’s responsibility to know the limitations of the vehicle and disable the feature and take control when necessary.
Lemmy has Hot, Active, and Top sort modes, all of which are different indicators of engagement.
Also, for whatever reason I actually do have ONE single post originating from kbin, from 3 months ago:
I’m guessing this is the first one I tried subscribing to… so for whatever reason I managed to receive that one post, but then no subsequent posts, comments, or votes.
All of my Lemmy subscriptions seem to be working fine.
Mine is definitely more than just “a bit” broken. I have 20+ communities subscribed for over 2 months and 0 posts. No issues with any Lemmy communities.
You wish it was like that in the medical industry, but it absolutely is not