They believe experience = better. In some cases that can be correct like sales.
Ding ding ding.
Shit, you don’t need a robot for that! I can do that for free
I will get a sex robot when it can scoop catboxes and fold laundry.
I got your Donnie Darko reference.
ITT: Yes.
Words are just wind. Deeds not words
I give a thumbs up to tell my scuba buddy that its time to ascend
Raised one kid in his 20s by effectively co parenting with his mother after we separated.
I’ve never seen it on any menu.
Its fear of the unknown. These people know logically the flaws in windows but are afraid to experiment because they think Linux is hard or too much effort. It’s similar to (although not in the same severity of) the justification that abuse victims use to justify why they stay with an abuser. Feel bad for these folks and try to educate.
Peanut butter toast
I love my mother in law. After a day of staring at a computer we may go to her house for dinner. Sometimes after dinner it becomes chore time without my knowledge. “Oh, I can’t log into the bank to pay my bills.” “Can you please change the lightbulb in the bathroom?” “The printer doesn’t work” “why is my phone slow?” She doesn’t do it to be annoying, she does it because she needs help. Once she thinks of one task there is usually another that she remembers. I am tired from work and full of food but always say yes and do it.
We talked to her and asked her to make a list and we review that list when we arrive. This way we can prioritize tasks that must be done vs those that my partner can do or that can wait. This has worked well for us because it is addressing her needs while not overwhelming us.
They didn’t take me because I wasn’t willing to raid 4 nights a week. I also wasn’t a tank
Eldar. Warp hunters and soul robots are rad. plus crazy colorful
Its complex pattern matching and looking up existing case law online. This work has been outsourced to contracting companies for at least 7 years that I’m aware of. If it is something that can be documented in a run book for non professionals to do for twenty cents on the dollar then there is no reason it can’t be done by a script for .002.
Creating legal documents, no. Reviewing legal documents for errors and inaccuracies totally.
I think Trump is going to die in the next 10 years.