• 26 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Isn’t a single teacher or statement. But how I was generally treated by the institution.

    I am somewhere on the spectrum and/or have some kind of learning disability that makes the formal learning environment very hard for me.

    I was tested as a kid back in the 80’s, but they said I didn’t score bad enough to be diagnosed and that I was just slow essentially.

    So the school system stuck me at a desk in the back corner of the classrooms with a divider between me and the the rest of the room and more or less treated me like a leper.

    Whatever the official diagnosis, I ended up getting into computers and turns out I am really good at it. So now I make a six figure income doing something I am interested in.

    The experience ingrained in me a deep hatred for formalized education, especially when it comes to my son (who is officially diagnosed as autistic). I have a very hard time taking anything my kids teachers say seriously and as anything more than the rantings of a narrow minded fool. Thankfully, my wife being the wonderful person that she is keeps me in check with that. And reminds me not to think my experience at my backwater school was the norm. And I think she has been right this far thankfully.

    Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

  • I would argue that your career has given you the wisdom to understand how the phrase “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” applies to technology. So you just instinctively know that a dishwasher doesn’t need a network stack to do the job it was built for. And adding one is creating a lot more complexity for very demising returns.

  • Phones are becoming less and less interesting by the day.

    Once they get to the point were all of the options that don’t require incredibly inconvenient sacrifices in functionality to maintain the interesting stuff like a video game console then that will kill interest in the market for me.

    If I can’t do anything besides basic smart phone crap I might as well just buy whatever has a good camera once every half decade or so and be done with it. So whatever top end thing Samsung or Apple are putting out.

    I’m not sure Google has fully thought through what it means to just be a worse version of what Apple puts out, but with more ads.

  • Anything related to healthcare has no business being any closer to the whims of “the market” than the public roads.

    It would be unheard of for a government to stop maintaining a public road because whomever was supplying some ingredient of the asphalt said that particular mix is “to old and the new mix is not compatible with the roads created using the old mix”.

    They don’t want to do it anymore, fine, then provide whatever is needed for someone else to maintain it for the cost of the materials to print/email/upload to GitHub the technical documents. It should not be legal to get someone hooked on your life altering medical device then rug pull them like this.