The same Zuck that is training “AI” off their platform’s user data?
Proxmox sounds like it fits their use case , it’s a useful and tweakable solution, and because it’s based on KVM you can pass through hardware with IOMMU. Personally, I run Proxmox on my (admittedly not very good) home server with like 12 gigs of ram and a processor from the early 2010s, handles a few VMs just fine with hardware passthrough to a TrueNAS VM. I do run a lot of my micro services on some cheap thin clients (DNS mainly) for redundancy as I mentioned, they were cheap. Home Assistant OS is happy on Proxmox as is Jellyfin with hardware acceleration.
Not an eli5 because I’m still not caught up on it but if my memory serves, RISC-V is an open source architecture for processors, basically like amd64 or arm64, actually I’m pretty sure ARM’s chips are RISC derivatives.
Edit: correcting my comment, ARM makes RISC chips, not RISC-V
So you removed all of the windows 11 from the windows 11, sounds pretty tolerable.
I’m not even from Florida 😭😭 Planning on a namechange for my Internet personality soon though
I hate Comcast as much as the next guy but I feel like 1.5TB a month would be reasonable. Even at those speeds you probably wouldn’t be downloading more, just downloading whatever you do now but faster.
E: I was gonna ask why this was so controversial but I just checked my routers stats and, oh yeah I’ve only downloaded around half a terabyte over 3 segregated VLANs in the past 2 months. I’ve uploaded almost double that which is baffling to me though. Even still I don’t see why anyone would be downloading anything more that a terabyte in a month unless your one of those data hoarders, which fair but… I’ll stop my rambling.
Thanks for the read!
Ah, I will look into adding that to my React layouts. Thanks for the suggestion!
Ah I will look into that, maybe there’s a Matrix library I can implement so that I don’t have to do that manually, lol.
I have been looking for an alternative recently, I was going to publish an article about why I dropped disqus and my search for an alternative but I never saw this. I guess the search term “self-hosted website comments” has all its SEO clogged up with Disqus by now. Will check this out though, thanks!
I do have an RSS feed! It’s https://floridaman7588.me/feed.xml I should probably put it in a more obvious place on my site tho, haha. And thanks for reading!
Haha April fools, right? Right??
Here’s the issue tracking that submission, you can follow it through GitHub to receive emails on any updates.
Jellyfin has an official Samsung TV app! It’s not available on the Samsung app gallery yet but there are developer instructions on their github
As much as I hate Windows, Microsoft etc, I also have grown to like the Windows Terminal. Kitty is my true favorite but Windows Terminal is a close second due to the tight integration with WSL and Microsoft’s cloud stuff as well as theme support and some other things.
Their products have become pretty junk as of recent, at least on the consumer side. I hear good things about their enterprise devices.
And that’s why no one should do crypto stuff. *FTFY
(/s btw I don’t care that much)