It won’t stop “anyone”, I’ve been lead to believe there are ways even after a single pass, to recover data. if I had anything to hide, I would use a physical destruction method, nothing else
It won’t stop “anyone”, I’ve been lead to believe there are ways even after a single pass, to recover data. if I had anything to hide, I would use a physical destruction method, nothing else
Use shred , it will automate multiple random passes, and finish with a zero pass.
Look at someone who is cold, their lips are blue, someone who is hot, will be red.
I always wanted a similar system to what you see in racing video games, when they display input controls. A red and green bar on the rear of the vehicle which shows accelerator pedal position, and a red bar which, in real life would have to show deceleration, as a percentage of theoretical maximum, rather than pedal position, as in the games.
I don’t like that it doesn’t give me alternative route options, there are times I want the shortest, not the quickest, or sometimes I want to stick to main roads, and not go through small villages even though I might save 5 minutes. Also, being offline, the routing for a long journey can be cumbersome in my potato phone/aftermarket android car radio.
I love the routing options, and use it in my aftermarket android car radio but it’s not quite as good as gmaps for address search.
There are some that flash super bright, and super fast, in winter, when driving home in the dark, it feels like I’m on the verge of an epileptic fit, must be a nightmare for those who have to live with that shining in through their windows.
The only one. Barry’s is a good blend to be fair, but hard to get outside of Norn iron.
I’ve been looking at getting a odroid h4 ultra as my next toy. It would suit you I think.
Nothing like going into a rough pub in Sheffield, and having the landlord ask, “what’ll it be love?”
Take my upvote. I use owncloud, I have no need for apps on my self hosted cloud backup.
Regardless, it is well worth your time. Find the wormhole, steal alien tech, build a fleet, become invincible.
Perhaps not Foss, but definitely free (beer) , endless sky, available on steam
Why can’t you self host? I have a wordpress site, and everything is fine, I use noIP for a domain name and IP tracking. Everything is running on a raspberry pi 4, with 7TB of USB storage. Loading up the photos can be a little slow when we post a big adventure day out, but if you’re patient, or have the means to put a more powerful machine on the job, it is the best way to share your lives with family. Wordpress has an option to ask the search engine crawler to not index the website, and it seems to work. When I post to the blog, I have an email subscription list for all my family, who want to be notified of a new post.
France Inter Paris Fip
I use an oracle free tier server for my heavy lifting (wordpress and owncloud), and have a pi4 on my fibre optic connection which is my storage.
You’ll never see above the clouds if you don’t put in the effort to climb the mountain. Be brave and risk getting hurt, it’s normal to be scared, but there’s no way to get the best out of life without making yourself vulnerable.
No-one has mentioned “And so I watch you from afar” or “Redneck manifesto”.
I work for an it department who resells their old stock online, we scrub the disks before sales, physical destruction is not possible.