Any time a neural network is part of the creation pipeline?
Any time a neural network is part of the creation pipeline?
The long quote is about the Principle of Equivalence, not about central planning.
You present a case for Principle of Equivalence, and declare “therefore central planning!” Your conclusion doesn’t follow from your line of reasoning.
Shut up nerd
archive.org videos section
I feel like we need to get away from Gulag’s servers in general tho. They’re closing in on the likes of Freetube.
👌 answer
https://www.learnreligions.com/religion-in-japan-4782051 The main religions in Japan are Buddhism (69.8%) and Shinto (70.4%)
I think it’s basically the norm.
Categorising people neatly is for the benefit of statisticians, not something that’s real in the human heart.
I’m not an expert on that subject.
Because every cent you spend there goes more or less directly into Kim Jong Un’s pocket?
Where did you read this ?
If you visit the USA, you support the regime that committed genocide in North Korea
How about this one to make Leninists mad: Marx and Engels said ad nauseum for 40 years that the democratic republic is the political form in which the class struggle can be fought and won.
I have never seen a Trotskyist on Lemmy before now.
Marx never said centrally plan the economy.
You express plenty of opinions not provable by science in your comment-history.
Wikipedia is a terrible source for the likes of this.
statistics ≠ real life