Bloodborne for me. Everyone talked about how hard it is, but the game just encourages grinding until you hit your natural talent level. Plus, the story was gross.
Bloodborne for me. Everyone talked about how hard it is, but the game just encourages grinding until you hit your natural talent level. Plus, the story was gross.
Same for me. I preserved and eventually got good. Then the story went from wierd to gross and there just wasn’t enough love of the game for me to push through.
I saw a job at an abbatior for a “first boner”. I knew what they meant and it was still funny.
A lot of comments here on adult competitive sports.
Any restrictions for school children would be highly invasive and detrimental to a child’s wellbeing. Many school contact sports will have weight grades, which suffice to manage risks.
Also bare in mind that in the current culture wars, you may have a fixed idea of what “trans” means that does not meet the myriad of actual circumstances.
Heatpumps are in par with AC. I’m noise sensitive dye to poor hearing and sometimes turn it off to help me hear better.
Not quite but close. Same effect but this was a really arty full body man that floated around the screen.
There used to be a website with a rubber man floating on the screen. You could move him around with the mouse and make him stretch out in psychedelic colors. Hours spent doodling.
Lol that is the usual pattern right
Conquest has often been religiously inspired, not just resources driven. Maybe a united humanity is the prophesied dooms day for the nasty greys
Any decision that condemned themselves for the greater good would be fascinating.
Imagine the dilemma the residence of Eyam faced, knowing what this meant for their own family. Or the Ukraine soldiers at Snake island when faced with insurmountable odds.
Twitter replaced my rss feed. Then Twitter sucked.
Anywhere on this map that isn’t full of boats. South Indian Ocean woukd be my guess:
I was thinking this last night. Dam man, I just want to know hiw Spike’s truce with cyborg zombie man works out but Disney leaves me with spinning wheels
Exactly! I genuinely learnt something from this post. What a strange world we live in, something so basic for over a century is not used by the hegemon
Reminds me of that classic reddit “You Like That, You Fucking Retard”?
Might be silly but I say the mistake aloud. Somehow I just feel better instantly