I tend to use glass jars for this. They are reusable and recyclable, you can see what’s in them, they protect what’s inside from getting crushed, and they’re free if you repurpose jars that food came in.
I tend to use glass jars for this. They are reusable and recyclable, you can see what’s in them, they protect what’s inside from getting crushed, and they’re free if you repurpose jars that food came in.
LibreCAD could be worth considering. I don’t think it’s possible to update dimensions in it though so I expect it would be tedious in a large project like a home remodel.
There are other note apps that can sync with Nextcloud. I settled on Quillpad because of its checklist functionality, though admittedly it’s not perfect.
One Pi Zero 2W runs NodeRed to control a few lights in the house. Another used to run Octoprint until it recently stopped responding. I haven’t gotten around to troubleshooting it yet.
Exactly. The correct way to answer is to not “yes” or “no”.
Sure, asking for a single dollar isn’t the best use of the question. You could ask for anything, not that the recipient would actually deliver on it.
It doesn’t lead to a destination, and maybe isn’t even a riddle, but a sentence I like is:
Is your answer to this question the same as if I had asked you to give me a dollar?
Depending on the device side connector and how the PCB is designed it actually can be orientation-dependent.
Possibly the two newer Zelda games.
Mindustry is a mix of a base builder and tower defense. It’s also available for PC.
I use VScodium with some plugins. But writing in any editor and running the typst executable with the “watch” argument is also an option. That way as soon as you overwrite the source file a new PDF is generated. In that case I use Okular which auto refreshes when the open document changes.