Ad Riven. I read all the novels, too!
Ad Riven. I read all the novels, too!
It’s been a while, but I wanted to come back and thank you for this rec, because I really like the blue lizard sunscreen. I got the stick for my face and tube stuff for the rest of my body and I’m really pleased with them. These actually rub in very well and I’m not leaving white streaks on everything I touch.
The Count of Monte Cristo is what immediately came to my mind also. He is absolutely thorough in his revenge.
I know communities like these can get a little silly and they’re easy to make fun of, but they really do serve an important purpose, IMO. The number of people who have to be told that it’s not normal for your partner to scream at you, or that no, your partner actually isn’t a great person if they do fill in the blank is really sad to me. And for every person asking, there are certainly more lurking that can also benefit from reading that. They might have to wade through a bunch of nonsense and AI-generated stories to find it, but I’m glad there’s a place for it.
Sweet, I guess I’m going to have to get a PC at some point. I actually played Riven for iPadOS recently and it was still fun, but the point and click is pretty tedious.
I’m not sure a remake willl ever match the magic of when I originally played in 1998, though. My laptop was so junky I played most of the game under a blanket because the screen was so dark, haha.