That’s strange, because the Catholic Church officially endorses evolution.
That’s strange, because the Catholic Church officially endorses evolution.
No, Mao and Chiang Kai-Shek were tools of the international Jewish conspiracy. I think she said that Zhou En-Lai was the one who started helping them to destroy China by bringing them under the control of the Americans.
A Chinese person I know believes that Jews control the entire world. Even China was controlled by the Jews until Xi Jinping came along and tried to throw off the yoke. Apparently, the hooked nose is a dead giveaway for spotting Jews.
Fortunately, she is mostly isolated (by her own choice, she has a vehicle and plenty of time and money to socialize if she wants) aside from communicating online.
She also told me that the Mexican government had been taken over by Freemasons in the 1800s and become extremely hostile to the Catholic Church. Priests were killed or driven out of the country, monasteries and convents were closed, and Church property was forfeited to the state.
Actually, to my greatest astonishment, that last paragraph is completely true. Look up anti-clericalism in Mexico. The remnants of these anti-clerical laws were only removed from the Mexican constitution in 1992.
We are all guilty of crimes at some point. Maybe speeding, or parking somewhere without permission, driving when you may be intoxicated, taking some office supplies home, not noticing that your license plate had expired, a million other things.
The point is that any one of us could be arrested and convicted if the authorities decided it was worth their while to.
You are in favor of these people being deported without even judicial review, because you are in no danger of being harmed by the government’s actions. Yet.
The people in China, and to a lesser extent Russia, want to have a word with you about how the government can control the internet.
Given Trump’s physical condition and eating habits, I would be extremely surprised if he even made it to the end of the current term.
I’m not sure what’s so amazing about that. I see lots of people get the same outline when they go skiing.
I see that the last update was more than 2 years ago. Is it just complete? Or is it being neglected?
What’s brown and red and sticky?
Another bloody stick.
Our generator will kick in within 30 seconds automatically, and has enough fuel to run the entire house for about 2 weeks.
I remember going to see a high-tech nursing home, where they had video conferencing with doctors and remote sensors for falls and things like that. That was in about 2000 or 2001. Yes, they are still talking about it.
And I just moved from a province in Canada where the provincial government has to law forcing municipalities to remove bike Lanes, and disallowing people from suing the government for any death or injury caused by a removed bike lane.
It’s not getting better.
Of course, for the majority of Canada, an e-bike is (like bicycles and motorcycles) only safely usable about 7 months of the year. If you need a car for the other 5 months, it doesn’t always make sense to have an e-bike as well.
I just moved to get back from Ontario, and my car insurance doesn’t seem to have changed much. On the other hand, I was able to buy a house for 2/3 or less of what it would have cost anywhere in Southern Ontario.
We have discovered some drawbacks, but all in all it has been a positive experience.
Even decades later, that phrase never fails to make me laugh.
For anyone who doesn’t know it, former Prime Minister John Chretien is from Shawinigan (note spelling). One day, an angry man made it past his security detail and started shouting at the prime minister. Chretien grabbed the man by the throat until his security officers could hustle him away, and ever since then the move has been known as the Shawinigan handshake.
What do you think this is, Russia?
Given that large areas of the world do not see breasts as sexual, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that breasts are erogenous because our society has said that they are, rather than any innate characteristic.
When I lived in Africa, women and girls had no problem exposing their breasts, but would go to great length to keep their thighs covered.
For me, The Black Panther lost my interest when a super advanced, technologically-driven state decided that the best way to choose a ruler was to have two guys punch and kick each other.
My parents were happily using Mint for about 5 years, until my brother took over the it support role, and was uncomfortable trying to troubleshoot issues in Linux.
Have you paid any attention to the political scene in the United States? There is no way that a billionaire could be convicted of any crime. In the rare event that they are charged, they can delay and obfuscate so that they die before any repercussions must be suffered.
I don’t think that the truth of the two-tiered American justice system has ever been so clearly delineated.