Less than 48 hours, I’m sure, and I’ve been homeless.
Less than 48 hours, I’m sure, and I’ve been homeless.
Story time!
People have launched studios on less than an intro to Python course hehe, so don’t sell yourself short.
… and my writing used to be much better in highschool. Now my writing is pretty bland in comparison because somewhere along the line that spark kinda got lost.
Heard this. Although when I’ve read some of my older stuff, it’s not like it was good, but it was more adventurous. Like I would just try things. Actually that’s one of the reason I started a little writing club over here - to force myself to actually practice publicly, and just put shit out there.
Have you ever thought of making a short game design document? It’s easy to procrastinate and focus on just that part, never moving on. But if you’re curious about getting into the space, it might be helpful to dip a toe into it.
God I hope I live to see the day. Discord at first appears like a good IRC wrapper, but the XP of actually using it is fucking gross.
Hey that’s a great idea! Actually, the GitHub repo could stick around for visibility, but link to the actual live source elsewhere, with some instructions (for people who only know Microsoft’s GitHub) on how to contribute there.
If my partner is still alive, then she would be very sad. Likewise my older siblings. God, I hope my parents aren’t alive to see it - that would suck for them. My best bud would also be pretty torn up (we’ve lived within a few blocks of each other for most of the last three decades, and get together at least once a week). There’s also an old ex who if they’re still around, I can count on a great eulogy from them. Makes me wish I could stick around just to see that.
Unless it’s a particularly horrible death, I don’t think anyone would be dangerously sad. I’m insured to the hilt, so there should be enough to go around to cover expenses, including my partner’s current level of comfort.
From my perspective, it’s likely to be a big nothing (I would be very surprised otherwise). But I’ve never really put much stock in individual consciousness: sure I may be stuck to this one perspective because of how brains work, so it’s the only consciousness I can truly know, but it’s not the only one. The others (like other other people) will keep going after this one ends. The biggest changes are going to be in the social and legal dimensions of my former life.
Fancy way of saying “gambling”
The loop is broken and spilling loop juice all over at this point
I’m maining privateemail through namecheap (custom domain) and I’ve got no notes.
Still got an ancient gmail for legacy stuff, but will definitely be moving stuff off of that now.
I guess there’s no way to forward gmail emails after I delete the account?
Yes that’s very wise. They’ve already shown you that they feel they might “deserve” a certain type of affection, so who knows what they feel entitled to.
Other men at these social settings also need to take a more active role in 1) detecting, and 2) deterring, incel adjacent behaviour.
I’d give em the “two wolves inside you” talk - like negativity and positivity. Gotta keep the moral lessons at preteen development levels with these sorts of folks.
What you said is all true, and there’s no excusing that level of rottenness, but I do think there’s a deeper component to it that they do not acknowledge.
They want to feel good about themselves, which at the core is not unreasonable, but they’ve built up this whole misogynistic mythology where they need a conventionally attractive woman - mind, body, and soul, in order to feel safe and happy.
But I’m convinced that even if they somehow stumbled into this unlikely relationship they would still be miserable.
Same as reddit: Subscribe to communities you like then only look at those.
I like your ideas! You should try to find a programmer to pair up with. Do you have any art, writing, project management, or other skills that could contribute to this kind of project?
There’s definitely something there.
I would like to make a movie where I talk to my friends and we hang out and cook and eat and maybe do some fun and nice things in the community, like talking to people we don’t know and getting them to join us. I don’t really care how the movie turns out though, it just sounds fun to make.
I like the word argyle and I’m angry
Even if something you actually need is only on Bezos’ website, I’ve had some luck contacting a seller directly and arranging a sale that way.
Omg thank you for sharing. I think you’re good re doxxing, the only one that looked iffy was that Ars Technica URL, and I did a thorough check and couldn’t find any PII or credentials leaking.
My own feed is pretty pathetic (had to reinstall OS and ofc didn’t back up the past 5 years):
<outline text="RSS" title="RSS" type="rss"
<outline text="thefoolwithapen" title="thefoolwithapen" type="rss"
xmlUrl="https://thefoolwithapen.com/index.xml" htmlUrl="https://thefoolwithapen.com/"/>
<outline text="Wikipedia Atom feed" title="Wikipedia Atom feed" type="rss"
xmlUrl="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ARecentChanges&%3Bfeed=atom" htmlUrl="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges"/>
<outline text="Tech News weekly bulletin feed" title="Tech News weekly bulletin feed" type="rss"
xmlUrl="https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=featuredfeed&%3Bfeed=technews&%3Bfeedformat=rss" htmlUrl="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Main_Page"/>
<outline text="PedalPC" title="PedalPC" type="rss"
xmlUrl="https://www.pedalpc.com/rss.xml" htmlUrl="https://www.pedalpc.com/"/>
I also don’ think I’m following Wikipedia correctly. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to figure it out :/
I’d love to take a look at what other people are following and what they like about it. My own followed are kind of random.
Maybe this is one of those Qs a simple web search can answer…
Same. I’m addicted. I literally have 5 strewn about me right now.
I use a brand called “decomposition” books, I guess because they’re made with recycled paper.