Well he didn’t come up with the idea by himself. I doubt he knew what Greenland was two weeks ago.
Well he didn’t come up with the idea by himself. I doubt he knew what Greenland was two weeks ago.
Will these assholes bring back everything, that has been commonly deemed bad for decades? They brought back Nazis, asbestos, led in drinking water, now child labour. What’s next? It’s even hard to think of something funny to write in the comment, because everything seems plausible.
Propagandhi - The Only Good Fascist Is a Very Dead Fascist. Especially the line “You can wear my nuts on Your nazi chin”.
Dude, we know, that’s part of the joke.
Not really favourite, but definitely most unbelievable: They elected Donald Trump for president in the US. Twice.
You give him too much credit, he doesn’t have that much creativity. He would call it Doge-420-69, because that’s the only joke he knows.
American citizens, they’re all fucked.
I love how millionaires think they can cheat death, just because they have money.
Aren’t the Juggalos supposed to be surprisingly tolerant?
Are you a Dyson salesman? Watch the video.
I recently watched some YouTube video that debunked that claim. They are basically pointless.
Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySSo5PmZZJM
It actually works better when You take the inner fan out of the casing. So they are actually a scam.
Bummer. The fake cum and blood were the only reasons to see a GWAR show. It’s not like anybody shows up for the music.
The queen of the rings?
Same as that guys from yesterday. I would prefer a guillotine, but You gotta work with whatcha got.
Elected? You don’t even need to be qualified. Or even sane.
Didn’t one of these games use a promotional line “Make America Natzi free again” and conservatives freaked out because they thought it was directed against them?
Knowing their regulation standards, they will be made out of asbestos.
True for me. When I first started watching Star Trek I hated Lwaxana. By the time I was on a second watch of TNG o was like “Fuck yeah, a Lwaxana episode”.
Looking down at the US is actually the norm for other countries.
For anyone who isn’t aware. This guy is a troll. Something like MTG in the states. He just does stupid shit to stir controversy around himself just to stay in the limelight. Don’t give him attention so hell go away.