Forget New Years Resolutions, how is the New Years Revolution coming along?
Forget New Years Resolutions, how is the New Years Revolution coming along?
I don’t think you’re picking up what I’m putting down.
Play Super Mario Bros as the second player for 31 days straight.
I use QuickDAV and OwlFiles.
Does this include Android?
Parker, usually. But Pilot is also good. Depends if I want a nice pen or a cheap pen. Kawecos are really nice, but I don’t currently own one.
I run
It’s not quite ready to bring in your own domain, but it works for an email on, and you get basically unlimited email addresses. I’m trying to grow it by word of mouth for now, and when it’s ready for business class email (own domain, user management, etc) I’m going to advertise it.
Well they need to I’m sure because they must be about to give their employees raises. Right?
I mean we already all believe they were at least in on it, so… not at all.
Don’t. Don’t give me hope.
Thanks. It took about 10 minutes to do each set of 1000 photos, because she wanted to keep both the originals and the modified versions, so 2000 individual per 1000 photos. It took roughly 22 hours to do them all, which I did over the span of about four days. I never want to do that again! xD
Immich does have a command line uploader, and you can download photos 1000 at a time from the iCloud website. It’s an extremely tedious process, especially when your mom has 130,000 photos to migrate, and she’s not techie enough to do it herself.
When there is nothing left for the poor to eat, they will eat the rich.
Counterpoint: Ninja Sex Party.
Greatest and best name ever.
I love that show. I just started rewatching it, after rewatching Coupling. Giving me all the nostalgia.
Based on Twitter’s success, I don’t think names matter much. If it were named something like CockAndBallTorture, sure, but Lemmy is fine.
Stale baguettes would make great chicken feed.