Same here. You just end up building your own DE. It’s great for some people, but I’m already plenty satisfied with GNOME + some extensions
Same here. You just end up building your own DE. It’s great for some people, but I’m already plenty satisfied with GNOME + some extensions
But Heroic doesn’t launch Steam games, right? Or did they change that recently?
Consent-o-matic automatically goes through the cookie banner and makes sure everything is disabled instead of simply blocking the banner
I can’t tell whether you’re joking or not, but if you aren’t: https://f-droid.org/
Everything you described won’t necessarily be done better in other distros.
What? Who’s wishing for Stallman’s death?
There’s also Jirafeau, but I can’t speak for any continuation of uploads
I’m pretty sure it also has a web interface where you can drag and drop files
Edit: after a second look I can’t find anything like that. I swear I saw it somewhere…
GNOME with the dash-to-dock extension is all you need to emulate most of the MacOS experience. Use gnome-tweaks to move the window buttons to the left, and that’s it as far as I know
There’s a couple. Libretube, newpipe, grayjay
If you want a laptop for Linux then the obvious choices are Tuxedo and System76. Framework looks cool, but I haven’t heard much about it’s Linux support.
So use a reverse proxy like Nginx Proxy Manager
I think I do. The source is open, but that doesn’t mean that the community decides what happens with Chromium. The comment I was replying to said that the FOSS community would not embrace Google’s decision. I say that Google does not care about you. What are you gonna do about it, short of forking Chromium and going your own way, or maybe patching out their changes? Most people will stay on the unmodified Chromium
Sure, Chromium is open source, but let’s not pretend that the community has any say over Chromium’s direction. Google is making the decisions, we’re just allowed to watch
First check whether johncena141 on 1337x has a Linux torrent available
I’d like to know this as well