Bet that was a relaxing activity.
Can’t catch a break
Bet that was a relaxing activity.
Pizzussy, what a world.
It was always a good day when you could get a decent lot of DVDs on Craigslist or OfferUp.
I couldn’t think of a name but I wanted an account. Every time I tried to think of something, I hit a mental block. “I don’t want to”
Pretty much as soon as he passed, they announced they were making a spinoff.
It’s supposedly for convenience. More for the people charging me than me, but convenient nonetheless.
I struggled in school despite being smart. I was tested but they said I didn’t have it.
Then as an adult, I re-tested. They updated the things they look for and are more aware of how people can try to mask and deal with their symptoms, which in the past made it difficult to diagnose. I was diagnosed then.
My friends help me with stuff that I need help with, too. I’m the tech person and the person to help with organization. They’re the people with good backs!
Now if I do work for hours on something they compensate me more but we’re pretty chill.
Boundaries are important!
If I’m taking a T break, I still need to manage my pain before bed. So I try to do some stretches to keep my muscles loose. It works sort of. I use a heating pad if the pain is too much.
I also try to make sure my bedding is just right. It needs to be clean and the right weight for the temperature. My pajamas need to be the right amount of comfy as well.
Lastly, I need to make sure the light level is good. Curtains drawn, charging lights covered, phone not polluting with light, HEPA filter light out.
T makes it easier to sleep even when something is off. Without it, I need to address those things.
At first, very hard.
I left an abusive relationship. I was afraid for my life. He made it clear that I should have been scared though, after some incidents incited by him.
He financially abused me and I had nearly nothing to my name. I took care of our daughter myself. He fought for custody of her. I fought back, and got sole custody.
I would get “anonymous” CPS reports filed against me. It was always nerve-wracking, but nothing was ever substantiated.
He still continues to try to get access to my medical records, to find something to use against me. It has been a decade now.
He still finds ways to mess with me via supervised visitation. (They allow him to break the rules.) I have to brush it off and endure it. Nothing more can be done. I was hoping he would lose interest but he has not.
He had to go to a batterer’s intervention class. Based on the court reports, he has not accepted any responsibility for what he has done. He has, however, gotten new vocabulary to weaponize against me and claims that I was abusive. (The incidents in question include me telling him to stop spending money on himself so I could pay rent. Apparently that is “financial abuse” and I “had all the power in the relationship because I made all the money” when he refused to work, but was able to.)
He is tens of thousands of dollars behind on child support. Every time I try to get court to enforce it, he brings me back to court. It costs me a lot of money so it is cheaper to not even try. (He affords it by having his dad pay for it. He doesn’t even pay for the lawyer himself. I, however, pay for my own lawyer.) Every time we tried to garnish his wages, he would quit his job.
I have to be very careful with how I live my life because he tried to find me doing anything out of line to take me back to court. If I lose and he gets unsupervised access, he will harm our child. I am afraid of what will happen when I no longer have a restraining order to protect me, but at least I am an adult that can protect myself. (The restraining order has already helped me a few times…)
It is exhausting.
However, life is so much better now. I worked hard and it paid off. I don’t have a leech spending all of our money on video games while I bring in all the money, do a lot of the household duties, and take care of a minor child. I don’t have to worry about my bank account having much less money and not being able to pay bills, because my partner saw something they wanted. I don’t have to fear my own safety in my home. I don’t have to shove all of my feelings down or else be belittled. I don’t have to be held back and sabotaged, because me achieving something hurts my partner’s feelings. I can have friends again without him inserting himself into the friendship or cutting them off from me.
It is much better.
I didn’t really have a bully, but no one really liked me all that much. A combination of not being likable (home problems), neurodivergent, and a minority.
I looked up one of the guys that was a jerk and apparently he’s a cop now. That tracks. The rest I really don’t remember and honestly I just don’t care that much.
If you don’t want downvotes, you may find yourself happier on an instance that does not enable downvotes.
I find that any recipe with tuna that I sort of liked, I loved when I replaced it with chicken. Maybe the younger one is the same?
A Christmas Story
I have never been able to watch the whole thing. Ralphie’s whining and dull life was just unpleasant. I didn’t really like any of the characters. Nothing in it was entertaining except for the kid and the pole. It was just a slog. I think the furthest I ever got was at a scene about a parade?
It seems like this is a really popular movie but I just never saw the appeal.
I was looking for this answer.
I tend to like these “slow” types of movies, like Napoleon Dynamite. Maybe it’s because I find the characters unrelatable I don’t like it? I was honestly waiting for the good part, but every part that was even mildly interesting, I just… Didn’t care about any of the characters and didn’t care about whatever was happening.
For anyone considering this, check your zoning laws. Years ago, to save money, I wanted to buy some land and put a trailer on it so I could save up to build something more permanent.
The laws did not permit that. Nor living in an RV. Or living in your car. We had to fight to get tiny houses here IIRC, but the cost savings for those isn’t as big as I would have hoped. (And being disabled, being able to do a lot of the work to save money wasn’t an available option.)
Sex with minors? With an age gap bigger than like 2 years, no. But close in age is fine, like 17 and 18.
20 year olds want 15 year olds
Matt Gaetz
Oh. Oh no.
Helped me, so all was not lost. :)
Yeah I got the Breville one and I love it. I got it on Craigslist. If any one of you sees it for cheap second hand, GET IT!
My old toaster oven bit the dust (the third one I killed) and this one is an improvement in every way.
Ah, the “if you’re not a transphobe, you’re a Nazi” guy. Delightful.