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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2024

  • In my parents neighborhood, there was a plan on building 8 story buildings right next to single houses.

    Off course we need higher density housing to reduce housing shortage… In this case, people fought back to keep the previous rule (4 story high max) and the old 2-story buildings were replaced by 4s ones. To recoup the loss, these appartments were made super high-end and are now empty because they can’t sell.

    All in all, I’m torn that i fought to keep a “gradual” increase in height, but also the promoter kind of didn’t do this for the right reasons and would probably have created 8-story high end appartments…

  • Being allergic to many many vegetal protein source makes it hard to get good vegan meals.

    Sesame seeds and tahini is used as seasoning in all the good Eastern meals i know, and nuts/peanuts consist of most of the “long lasting” snacks i know of.

    Focusing on the limited remaining vegan proteins makes for a very homogeneous diet that turns out is bad for the gut biome.

    I’ll support anyone who wants to eat vegan, but I won’t do it myself… I do reduce meat as much as my health allows.

  • I was interested in the surprising behavior, not quoted above.

    Everyone, including Heuer, expected the buffalo to lope to the river bottoms where the fattest grasses grew. But within hours they had climbed to the high ridges where the wallows of their ancestors still sculptured the ground.

    In heading to the high ground, the bison contradicted something wildlife technicians call natal habitat preference induction, or NHPI.

    There is also some discussion about how they didn’t look for an environment similar to the one in which they were born and raised.