I found the Flatpak significantly easier than any other method. The only thing I had to do was set it to run when the computer boots up to save a click.
I found the Flatpak significantly easier than any other method. The only thing I had to do was set it to run when the computer boots up to save a click.
I usually right click the window in the app bar and choose the “stay on top” option. This issue only happens in Wayland, also. in X11 it stays on top as expected.
Similar to Silence, a Signal fork that worked over SMS that I used to use. Glad to see the idea is still alive.
Absolutely this. The first half of his first book in any given series always feels like it’s going to lead to something amazing, then nothing. I feel like another writer could take his unique ideas and do something really cool with them, but I won’t ever read Sanderson again.
Sometimes I wonder if he managed to wrap up Wheel of Time satisfyingly for its fans.
It has an interesting idea for its world and magic, and then fleshes it out with the most infuriatingly boring set of characters. The main character is bland enough to allow a reader to self-insert to a degree (this is similar to the main character in Twilight — something that people critique it for.) Then some of the supporting characters border on harmful stereotypes. Plus, I guessed the “twist” in the first trilogy very early on.
Aesthetically I want to like it, but I found it awful. I only read it because it was the #1 rated fantasy book on Goodreads at the time, and since then I haven’t listened to aggregated internet reviews for anything.
Any time I see Mistborn on a list like this, I immediately become dubious about the person’s taste and discount the rest of the list.
Unless you desperately need to free up room in your tiny SSD to make room for Baldur’s Gate 3. I recently used a tool like this to get rid of a bunch of old logs and things and managed to free up tens of gigabytes of precious space.
I highly recommend configuring qBittorrent to only connect to the VPN interface, so if your VPN is off it will simply not connect to the internet at all.
Many, many mushrooms look like button mushrooms to the untrained eye. And yes, apps do not count as a trained eye.
The chances of these actually being button mushrooms is low. The chances of properly IDing them is also low.
Do not eat them. I would even hesitate to label them as “button mushrooms” here because it might pollute image search results.
Rnote is currently the best for handwritten notes in my opinion, but its organization is minimal. I have never found a 1:1 replacement for OneNote, but luckily I no longer need it desperately like I did a decade ago.
Firefox mobile?
That doesn’t work for the workflow of sending articles to my Kindle with a bookmarklet.
I have a Kindle. It does not support EPUB. This does affect me. I used to use a bookmarklet to send articles to my Kindle, and this would make that unfeasible.
Some of us still use devices that only support .mobi
That’s where I stopped. It was a perfect miniseries. I saw there was going to be a second season and I just rolled my eyes and resolved not to watch it. The first season ended perfectly to me.
Very odd: on my computer it never uses more than 1GB of RAM. As for the limitations of your first setup, that sounds like a bottleneck when it comes to transcoding, which can occur because of a lack of GPU or CPU power, depending on whether or not you had hardware acceleration enabled. I would expect it to run much better on your new setup, but the RAM thing is worth investigating. I was running Jellyfin on 12GB of RAM until recently, and never hit 100% usage.
The joke is that it contains the letter E, which is banned on the instance.
Generally oyster mushrooms grow out of a tree, usually hardwood, and I have only ever seen them with a shape like an oyster shell — meaning that they are not circular, but have a distinct “back.”
The mushrooms in this picture also have a little circle on top where the stem meets the cap, something I have never seen on a oyster mushroom. And the gills don’t blend into the stem. I would say there is basically no chance of these being oyster mushrooms, unless they are some weird regional variant I am not familiar with.
I would be wary, because these don’t appear to be growing on wood, and some of the photos make them appear to have a circular umbrella shape.
I haven’t run into anything. It works the same as it did when I installed it manually on my last OS.