Same! Sometimes I type the email in Notepad/Wordpad first.
Same! Sometimes I type the email in Notepad/Wordpad first.
Damn, Franky looks like he’s pushing 300+ pounds.
My modded original Xbox was magical. Rent a game from Hollywood Video, rip it straight to the Xbox hard drive, return it.
Unless the changes in anatomy require more kidney activity. Consider how horses pee.
Truly the beacon of freedom in the Middle East.
Maybe start a charity and raise money that way?
Honestly, it must just feel like the whole world is against them.
You’d think these guys would know how to open a private Firefox tab.
We don’t know their mind. We don’t know their kind. Dark necessities are part of their design.
Though it also looks like a pretty sparse crowd relative to the recent pro-Palestinian rallies in Israel.
He exposes people to chemical sludge every time he enters a room.
Damn, that chick can barely fit on the big red head of that cock.
The company said in its blog post that the problem began in late February, but it has since been able to compensate for the lost data to some extent by modifying its algorithm.
Because that’s what people are worried about: THE LOST DATA.
They heard the class taught equality.
Ha, a great comparison. Like Brock resorbed most of his twin, but Doug Ford is what was left over.
But rock beats scissors and scissors are metal.
I would like it to criticize me for needing to do it, at all.