Had us in the first half, not gonna lie
Had us in the first half, not gonna lie
ah ok, got it to work with manual imports now, but I think maybe this doesn’t really suit my use case. big thanks for explaining the readarr stuff! I can see why people would like it if they use the grabbing parts of it as well.
I think mostly I didnt see any options for setting up the download folder, just different download options (like torrent and usenet etc).
So OpenAudible kinda gives me the information I need in the metadata, so I ended up making a simple python script that copies them around based on that.
I’m not getting how to set it up without the download functionality, how do i tell it to just reorganize a folder into another folder?
It does seem a bit like overkill :D I might try it, but otherwise I might try to figure something out myself at some point. Sounds like a nice hobby project.
In @nerdias comment in this thread about setting up plex for audiobooks, there is also a section with a link about de-drm’ing your audible books.
I havent troed it out myself, just stumbled upon it while checking out the thread, but I thought I’d point it out.