The Chaser did this joke better in 2020
The Chaser did this joke better in 2020
I figured as much. Just wanted to show another option.
I love httpie
for hitting urls when i want to see the headers or body without downloading to a file eg testing an api
This was a few years ago so maybe it has improved, but I found that screen would crash and lose my session history and layout too often. That was bad enough, but when it happened it had some bullshit error message about a dungeon roof falling in. I don’t mind some comedy in code or even the interface, but don’t make light of the user losing their stuff. I tried tmux and it is much more stable than screen was.
mkdir -p
will not complain if the dir exists
I saw some weird interview show on youtube where they spent the whole time eating ultra spicy chicken wings while interviewing
in the 90s telling (and asking) people those things would have been such a suspicious, sketchy move.
Velcro sewn to just inside the top of your pocket, so sticking a hand in your pocket makes a loud noise and you can feel it, for any pickpocket to separate the velcro.
Easyjet. They sent us an update in their app saying they delayed our flight a few hours due to ill pilot. We were waiting near the gate (nearest cafe) but not quite within view, and no flight boards nearby. They decided not to delay after all but did not send an update to the app, and nothing over loudspeakers. My paranoia got the better of me so i wandered down to the gate around the original time of flight to take a look. When I saw they were boarding after all i called the family down, but we had missed it by a minute or so. They would not let us board. They preferred to delay the flight while they unloaded our baggage. We had to pay for and book with another airline to arrive at our hotel at midnight losing a day of our Greek Island holiday. When we complained to their service desk, they refused to refund us, and said “we DO suggest you always keep up to date by watching the flight boards”. There was a giant sign by their desk that literally said “download our app to keep up to date on your flights”. I will never give those fucks another dollar, and I tell this story to anyone who will listen.
Once AI and robots can do/make anything they want on demand, they won’t even need money, so don’t need to make money by selling stuff. For sure, they will probably have a tough time transitioning from the idea of making money, but they won’t need to any more. The rest of us could split off our own fairer economy, but they’ll probably have the IP locked up on all the technology so we can’t use it and have to keep working 5 day or more weeks.
How exactly does company A own shares in itself?
How often for What’s New Pussycat?
I can only imagine it is to accommodate temperature/humidity changes so that they don’t jam.
You could deal with that while still keeping privacy with a rabeted edge on the door sides.
I’ve heard of PoE bulbs, but not seen them anywhere. That would be awesome for smart home as well as the powering aspect.
Russian Ark. I got free tickets from my company, so took my now wife to go see it as I was into arty films. She still gives me shit about it 20 years later. It’s basically 3 hours of a camera panning around a former Russian Tsar palace with various historical scenes going on in each room.
Grim, short for The Grim Sweeper
The keyfob already has two way communication for the challenge-response protocol, so it is perfectly possible for the car to send a signal back saying it was actioned.
When I was sticking my oar in too much on something he was doing, my Dad used to say “who’s skinning this cat, you or me?”
Sorry, I would have linked their own website but the original page is now gone. Their headline in 2020 was ‘“Social media should not fact check posts” says child molester Mark Zuckerberg’. The post made more sense being on Facebook, though.