• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Drives made with SLC flash memory are practically nonexistent. Affordable ones completely so. Times have changed.

    Yes, there are many SSD SLC with afforable price right now too, for example ADATA SU650 I used. The benefit SLC over other types in the video I provide before are after we secure erase our SSD. SLC provide less latency than others, and trim from SSD controller are not enough to clean the data or reduce the latency after using it for long time (based by research in the paper). And from point of security as the main topic in paper, show a good point that SLC give more clean data format than others for privacy minded people (focused on that right now). I’m still searching the latest paper about this topic… still stuck in this because others not explain well or have proof with research / comparison as this.

  • Any SSD manufactures will fine as long you remember to choose SSD with SLC type for fastest, more durable, less error-prone, and security integration (on this link for further information). With the longest guarantee from the manufactures too will be great for you in long term usage.

    For secure thing, SLC is the best option you have as you can see this video from this source that I found week ago. SSD with SLC type will maximize your productivity than other types, while also keep your privacy when you want sell them in the future.

    I know the sources I’ll give to you are from 2011/13 research like this comment. But as far as I know, this sources are the best explanation that give me deep understanding on how SSD works, rather than just articles or simple explanation things from manufactures with no deep explanation how they methods works. It’s up to you to in the end…

  • Russia seems to have concluded it’s necessary to “protect” American IP

    That’s new fact I learn today. Surprisingly Russia method in this case was very interesting.

    cost of maintaining your IP outweighs the benefits for all but the largest companies.

    Totally agree. This is the problem of close IP in our business model right now, I re-found my quote about this topic from “Open Heritage Data: An Introduction to Research, Publishing, and Programming with Open Data in the Heritage Sector” book:

    Outside the heritage sector, in the music industry, the film industry, and many other creative industries, they have the same struggle, and copyright is very big business indeed. It seems that much of our copyright law and practice today is still aimed at these areas, and this is perhaps why it is very difficult to understand copyright in the context of heritage data. However, one important thing to remember about copyright is the motivation for the law. Copyright should act as a motivation to create, because you know that you are the owner of your creative work and thus have certain rights over it.

    Now I understand clearly how important IP is with the new fact that far from example I’ve found so far. Thank you so much for your insight! Really appreaciate your time to answering my foolish question…