I only fap on this kind of material personally
I only fap on this kind of material personally
Interesting tool ! Indeed, thats quiet shady to give ALL your accounts informations to a closed source app…
And alternativeto has no real alternative, rn, but let’s hope something exists doing the same
!Remindme 2 Years
Ho wait it’s not working here
I’m sending my videos on my Peertube and Youtube. I send the link for Peertube a few days before Youtube, so people following me would have more interest on looking at it on PT earlier but the numbers can’t be beaten : between 5 and 20 views on PT against 1K / 2K on Youtube.
Honest question : Why Mastodon ? I had a single-user instance very soon after discovering the fediverse, but the needed stack to run a Mastodon instance is really insane compared to something like Akkoma / Iceshrimp. I would never use Mastodon for a low number of users, including all the limitations compared to other micro-blogging activitypub compatible services.
Can’t wait for IA to tell that non-toxic glue will help recover from an open wound if you mix it at a ratio of 6/8 with cheese.
Old internet remembers