That’s probably true, but just to highlight this: Bitcoin is not untraceable
That’s probably true, but just to highlight this: Bitcoin is not untraceable
Well, there are countries like Turkey with a currency that lost 95% of its value during the last 10 years. In such countries, Bitcoin is a way to have a currency that does not have a guarantee to ruin you. When your country has 60% inflation like Turkey, the deflation currency might be seen as a gift. So, this might be a legal use case…
Let’s ignore crypto for a second…
People in the USA loose around $ per year to scams according to FTC…
And for donations to Wikileaks, we don’t want the government to be able to reverse or block them. That’s what PayPal did with then before Bitcoin was invented.
I don’t think that Bitcoin can or should replace the current system, but it can be an addition for rarer cases.
But yes: Most of the other blockchain stuff is just completely useless and therefore not used.
Please tell me where I (or anyone) wrote “Bitcoin provides stability” without comparing it to another currency…
I assume, arguing with you is an endless circle where you argue against fake arguments that no one has brought up. I’ll therefore end this here. Why are you like this?
Turkey’s currency dropped 83% in the last 5 years and 94% in 10 years (per USD). And by the way: It dropped and did not rise the same amount ever again…
Why can’t we just agree that different people might have different views whether it’s useful for them?
Is it more stable compared to USD? No. Is it more stable compared to dozens of other currencies? Yes.
I think, there are very good arguments against BTC, for example the energy consunption… But whether it’s too risky for you or not… That’s highly subjective IMO. There is no country on this planet with only BTC as official currency. So, no one is forced to hold 100% of their total money in BTC.
I think, whether it’s helpful is an individual decision. E.g. for people in Turkey, it’s a lot more stable than their own currency. Same logic for probably dozens of other countries…
Maybe, it’s not useful for you, but that’s OK. No one is trying to replace your currency with it and force you to use it.
Short reminder that Bitcoin was created as a reaction on the world finance crisis and to allow people like Assange to receive donations, because PayPal and similar just blocked them…
That does not mean that Botcoin is perfect, but: If the alternative system was perfect, there was not bitcoin.
Now, do we need an emoji? I don’t care TBH…
Excuse me, but if they advertise that they don’t give others your exact location (only a larger radius), I expect that to be true and that an extremist can’t use a dating app to track down gay people to their home address.
I’m sorry, but as a large language model, I can’t help you with that.
I have like 20 flatpak software products running without any problem for 2 years now.
In Germany, you can’t just show advertisement in a YouTube video without marking it. Same rules for sponsorship…
Then, I’ll use AI to filter it out.
deleted by creator
They haven’t ever been profitable with just streaming music.
Microscopic “Maybe later” button in the USA…
Normal sized “No” button in Europe…
Fun fact: Mining 8,000 new bitcoins takes the whole network only 9 days.
The snowflakes here can’t even handle a little glue in their food!!!1111
Well, on the other hand, it’s still there after 16 years…
There are open groups on Telegram in which people post that they want to see person XY dead… Everyone who joins the open group can read it anyway.
They decided not to moderate this and not to delete illegal content once reported, although it’s easily possible without breaking encryption.
IMO, this has not much to do with privacy.
This is like posting that we should kill someone on Reddit and nothing is happening.