Same thing here. What the fuck is this?
Same thing here. What the fuck is this?
I think I just found my new favourite insult. Quite the delicacy.
Here (France) we still mostly grade by hand.
I had a student write me a chatgpt canned answer, prompt included.
Since all instances mirror comments on subscribed communities you could simply create your own instance, leech it all and sell to LLMs. No need to go to the trouble of hosting a large instance.
Communism is a political philosophy which in and of itself does not advocate for oppression. There is indeed nothing wrong with it, at least if you advocate for freedom of thought.
The Stalinist version of authoritarianism has been conflated with communism by american (mostly) media during the cold war. It is however a very specific ideology.
Apologists for authoritarian regimes, whatever their political leaning, deserve no platform or tolerance. Plurality of thought however is needed and essential.
Don’t give him ideas. He’ll go there and do a BHL.
The fact that this is actually legal makes me glad to live in the EU. Damn, this shit is bleak.
This is a bad idea to end all bad ideas.
Let’s give them an excuse to close their means of communication to the people to “combat AI spam”.
As an European, my image of Taco Bell will always be shaped by online hyperbole. Therefore, I chose to believe it is some kind of dystopic yet tasty explosive diarrhea factory were Americans go to purge their bowels in apocalyptic fashion.
I’m pretty sure going to Taco Bell is the secret to getting the shits.
I understand this is hard to prove without doxxing. This situation is very concerning, and if true absolutely disgusting.
I don’t see much proof. Did anyone corroborate?
Wait what? Do you have a source for this?
That is indeed news to me! Wild stuff.
The issue with stuff that kills everything is that… Well it kills everything.
I guess exceptions could be made …
Holy shit is that article a heap of bigoted trash ramblings. I mean, I get that people disliked the series but this is full on Andrew Tate shit.
This is the sensible option. Fuck them.
Gagagoogoo Gagaga