Nonsense hypotheticals are not whataboutism.
Nonsense hypotheticals are not whataboutism.
Really understandable. Luke had an X-34 landspeeder and a T-16 skyhopper. Wouldn’t be surprised if Owen bought a soviet T-34 that the jawas inexplicably found.
Now was getting the landspeeder name wrong intentional?
I hear those T-34s are built like tanks.
“Think” might have been a bit strong. Hope might be more appropriate.
Is that a yes or a no on the good person part?
Do you think that addressed what I said?
Do you think that you are not behaving childishly?
Do you think that I am the other user?
You did make a claim.
Gravity existing and the earth going around the sun have been demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt. Also it’s really easy to cite the evidence that supports those facts.
It was widely known information that cigarettes were good for you at one point so “widely known information” doesn’t mean much. That you even phrased it that was hints that you know the distinction between that and supported fact.
You don’t engage honestly in conversations.
That you didn’t give a helpful answer makes me doubt you where as before I was interested in what you had to say.
You just made that up.
Serious question if you know you don’t engage with discord deeply why do you think anyone here should care about your pointless question?
I’m with you on my ambivalence regarding swift and I also couldn’t help but notice the lack of thought occurring in OP’s shower.
I dunno. From ABCDE’s comments and Demi’s lyrics I was reading the conversation as being about the latter. I didn’t really see anyone making the case that Wilmer wasn’t being a creep.
I think your post would greatly benefit from an introductory paragraph preparing readers for what to expect. As it is the title and current first paragraph don’t convey the gist of what your post is about or why anyone should care about or read it and given it’s length most people are not going to give it the time to try and put that info together on their own.