If you’re in California, be aware that there’s a hidden/sneaky “EV tax” and you’ll be paying (nearly) double registration fees every year. Mine went from $330 to alamost $700.
Also public charging is starting to be a problem as there’s not nearly enough charging stations and CA does nothing about it.
Yeah, right.
tHeRe’s No fUCkInG waY FaCEBooK wOULd EVER SUcKed Up aLL liFE FRom soMETHinG GOoD aNd tHEN LefT iT tO DiE WheN it’S nO LONgeR uSEfuL U guiZ!
You can wonder all you want. We will never know. But probably “Best I can do is $3.50 and this cute cease and desist letter”.