Satanic Panic but this time about pedophiles.
These laws will be used to restrict information, not to protect anyway, don’t delude youraelf.
Satanic Panic but this time about pedophiles.
These laws will be used to restrict information, not to protect anyway, don’t delude youraelf.
100% albanese has some cushy job on a board linen up for when he loses to the potato man. Its all bread crumbs and spectacle
give another billion to the arms dealers albo, ‘department of defence’ lol, fucking disgrace
The message was sent using the RT-70 radar telescope of Ukraine’s State Space Agency.
maybe they think hitlers alright
Its possible to have back and forth conversation on a wikipedia user talk page, are they banning wikipedia too? The comments section on a news website? Desktop email clients and hotmail accounts?
I can’t see a way where this doesn’t end up being used to restrict information from wider society. Even just banning kids from the internet, is restricting millions of people who deserve to be able to access the resources on the www
I just checked and theyve banned my private subreddit for lack of moderation
Reminder: if you have american citizenship, all support everything those fucko’s do
The Iranian yoghurt is not the issue here
I had to teach some zoomers how to send an email, especially about using bcc, pretty funny I have to say
I wish your fucking parents would ban you from this website
Saving this thread so i can update my blocklist!
Maduro uninstalled whatsapp live on television a few days ago
hey look reactionary content from .world! Shocked
Sex work is work.
I really liked mindistry, like factorio but simpler, i ended up buying the pc version
mostly i play a free Solitaire collection on fdroid so i can play spider solitaire
deleted by creator
Spaghetti, because Im lanky, and annoying to handle when Im cooked
Dating apps have landed me in abusive relationships more often than meeting people organically. Join a community group, meet people, work with them, hike and make art, youll meet people fall in love and get your heart broke, but theres no subscription fee
Best practice is to use saline and a clean cloth to clean spray off with mechanical force
I’ve finally started learning to use krita, I’m enjoying it a lot (begrudgingly)
I imagine the australian government is going to try and get us to register to use the internet, can’t wait, so exciting.