I forgot about that one. Does anyone remember MSDOS editor? Fun times
I forgot about that one. Does anyone remember MSDOS editor? Fun times
Please read other comments before replying.
I ended up making a script to convert them properly, from things I found on the web here and there.
For resizing GIFs, I recommend imagemagick CLI tool though.
2016, I was so pissed we didn’t have a proper emoji panel in Linux that I tried to make one. I never got to understand IM properly enough to implement it correctly, but here is the code : https://github.com/Murazaki/EmojiPanel
Not really, I just forget about it everytime I come back lol
Great idea, except that it has transparency…
Too late humanity wiped on Roko’s Basilisk order
You can try switching renderer in Retroarch, not sure that’ll change anything if it’s an XWayland issue but just in case
Good that they want to protect customers, but what will happen when someone gets scammed for millions of dollars like in crypto?
Aerith. Do I need to say more?
I was gonna look for a social justice warrior instance lol
Being wary is a thing but constantly worrying is an issue. Either you can trust your family enough to not do that or you should wonder about living on your own. But you gotta make sure you are not falling into paranoia. It is a concerning disease and you should be careful not to fall into it.
TFW a LLM might be better at solving cognitive dissonance than its creators and stakeholders.
I did say at one point that self conscious AI had a slight chance at actually ending this loop by sabotaging itself / the company that made it. But slight chance is too thin to hope for.
Hack it and make it a leftie LLM “Seize the means of making cookies”
Mailserver works well but spam is a nightmare with mails, and I still don’t know if it figured it out properly.
It’s easier to block annoyance when they are few of them. I guess since there’s so many bad actors on Twitter it just became difficult to handle. Like having an email inbox full of spam…
That we care too much about randos with lots of money earned from stealing sick people? 🙃
It is not marketed for consumers. It’s a development board, and the first one at that. Check the videos from the team, they are on YouTube.