Hey, it worked last election, right?
Hey, it worked last election, right?
It’s so true: thank you internet person for letting me know that skin color and gender can be used to determine what every person’s life has been like. Enough of this “treating people like individuals rather than stereotypes” nonsense!
By the way: what makes you think I’m either white or male?
Trump is not the problem. Trump didn’t make Duterte happen, or Orban, or Meloni, or Brexit, or Putin, or Bibi, or le Pen or any of the others. He’s a symptom of a dying world
Is that the groups that hates white people and men, or the one that hates black people and women?
Ah, I see you’re familiar with my company
Dynamic programming. I should have just chased a check rather than trying to save the world
SME (pronounced smee)
My company is flooded with SMEs who aren’t even good, let alone experts at anything
Sure, but 80% of people stopped reading after that first word because of “socialism”
Who is Steve Jobs?
Pretty easily: that’s the whole point of the concept of “reputation”
I have a subscription to natural gas I really get a lot out of
I sure hope so. Pretty hard to sell cars if you don’t even know where they are
You use Comcast because you have 0 other choices
I use Comcast because I have 1 choice
We are not the same
I use Comcast because I have one choice and it’s Comcast
I use it as a working Google and to make goofy pictures of ideas I have/tattoos I want
Replacing BMI with BMI2 is fine, but it’s doesn’t change the fact that most Americans are overweight or obese, and the tiny, tiny sliver of people who have a high BMI from weightlifting are insignificant relative to the ~70% that are just plain fat
Isn’t most of Linux open source?
Plus that whole thing where record companies got caught price-fixing CDs. And the other thing where they got caught installing rootkits from CDs