It becomes a repatriation.
It becomes a repatriation.
“Do be a dear and remove yourself from my presence”
It’s sort of guaranteed nest egg.
I mean it’s just a browser. Bit of fiddling with the saved password and your go to go again to never look back. If they value their users they will improve again like Firefox did in the background over years.
I only hope a good search engine will appear again. I don’t like the alternatives.
Was it any good?
Tizen in the corner: “Pick me, pick me 🥺”
It gives “I’m Sorry Dave, I’m Afraid I Can’t Do That” vibes.
Will work fine indeed. Only I always have some issues getting the touchscreen working seamlessly. Is there a window manager on Debian who does it well?
But now I know that I can jump off the Golden Gate bridge to cure my depression.
I’m was not allowed to upgrade from them. I’m not going to throw away a perfectly fine pc.
Installed Ubuntu and I’m having a blast.
I see you forgot about a gem called “ME”
Windows 2000 all the way.
People will die of hunger in the glue trap, but they’re not jumping!
Even the name is a marketing turd
“Caution terrain…Caution terrain…”
“100 whistle blowers on the wall, 100 whistle blowers! Take one down, burry the truth! 99 whistle blowers on the wall!” - Boeing quality control
I laughed way to hard at this.
He is Assembly, Operating Systems require him to operate.
And the fucking videos that auto play in the bottom corner with audio. I think the old people that recently found out about internet are trying to turn it into regular TV.
Why the meta logo?
Use a bird lady as logo!