As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.
As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.
I would immediately erase everything that I have ever posted, anywhere. I would go underground as much as possible, online speaking. When the purges come, I would be a target.
IDK if we would leave. We are not prime immigrant status, not qualifying for Canada. That shocked me, TBF.
Arthur Dent?
Too long. Loser or inmate # are appropriate.
Nope. Cotton in the wet and cold are miserable to wear. I avoid denim jeans, too.
Silly MedPiggy, Tax breaks are for Billionaires.
I wonder what other uses there are to sell data that is not for advertising? My second thought goes to what is in place to stop a middleman from saying that they would not sell information for advertising purposes, but selling the data for “quality control of data acquisition” purposes. If you are getting a service for free, you are the product.
Have any of your blood relatives had any diseases that have a genetic component? Cancer? Heart disease? Yeah, we don’t cover that, it’s as clear as day, in the fine print, on page 13,131 of indexed addendum information. Additionally, you knowingly had this information from a DNA test, which constitutes fraud, making your policy null and void. Thank you for your business.
Not compared to a Musk truck. Then it’s 5% ish, and a bargain.
That is fixable. Make waves with higher ups. Many in education are trying to fight this same battle. There are better alternatives, as we all know. I also work in education.
I was getting excited about getting a new vehicle, and was looking at a Tesla.
But, Nope! I’ll ride a tricycle before Elon gets a penny from me.
A quick search confirms that MacOS is based from proprietary BSD UNIX code. It is not compatible with Linux
I quit YouTube because the ads were overwhelming, and quality content is so rare.
Many ideas here sound like the projects built, starting in the 1930s. They had many failures and a few successes.
But guns are still heavenly tools, and God works in mysterious ways. Thoughts and prayers? I hate this dystopia.
Is your medical and financial information your property or an insurance company’s property? Is this information given to governments, by threat of law? (Yes, if that state demands it, and depending on their constitution) Does a hacker have the right to sell whatever information that they acquire from any institution, or from you? The lack of a right of privacy in the US Constitution and ancient fossils in SCOTUS and legislatures will bring us rapidly forward to 1900 any day now, to their grappling with technology.
I try to balance by adding joy to my life and others around me. Loving people, laughing, and a sense of humor about myself helps. Life has a random element. I also try to concentrate attention on the good and what I can control. I have an insatiable curiosity about everything, that keeps me busy, in the meantime.
We all have a limited time in this life, and at some point in the next two hundred years, are certain to recycle our atoms to nature.
If this were some fiction plot, Copilot reasoned the plot twist, and ran with it. Instead of the butler, the writer did it. To the computer, these are about the same.