No shit , this just in said anyone in security.
No shit , this just in said anyone in security.
you mean the IBM light chips and bus ?
This is a great article , and actually rather use swap than no swap. My systems run so much better with swap.
I would be for that fork. I used Guix a long time ago and got really frustrated with non-free and binaries. Guix is really nice to use though and it’s fast.
Wow that’s impressive , I love using hyprland on Garuda, ow it’s even easier. Very cool.
I built it on Linux , Arch … takes forever because of rust and the 1000’s of depends. Works though.
Never had an issue with anything
funtoo is a good way to learn also.
ha ha , don’t brag about what your doing , use all aliases , trash email and create a new persona. Use multi-hop VPN’s and proxies from non-extradited countries. STFU. Again STFU
Curious , isn’t this what Tailscale does also. It’s a cool project none the less.
Most private trackers have a sub you can get for iptv. Also search GitHub for m3u8 files.
Irssi baby
Im still on a couple ircds
This is fantastic
Big news
Jump on rizon and just pick one lol
QubeOS has quite a bit of issues to , unless it’s better now?