I had a co-worker whom I accidentally renamed to Cunthia in several large distro emails.
I had a co-worker whom I accidentally renamed to Cunthia in several large distro emails.
Ugh yes, finally. More time to doom scroll the feeds, numb to the real world. I just need enough dopamine to keep swiping.
I love this question! I’ve seen it asked a few different ways. “What evolutionary benefit did the recoil reaction to the ‘uncanny valley’ provide?”. Thinking about the answer is kinda scary.
I’d think one benefit of being able to quickly discern between the living and the dead would be increased survival chances during death events. If you can see that someone is dead, less likely to face a dangerous predator, natural disaster, or contagion, or at least stop investing precious time in those situations if they found themselves in them.
I don’t call people who disagree with me fascists. Disagreement is healthy and important. The world would be boring as fuck if we all agreed on everything.
I call people who lick the boots on their own necks fascists. I call people who celebrate fascist ideals fascists. I call people who vote for fascist policies and candidates fascists.
It’s easy to not be called a fascist by not being one.
Nice try totally not in the FBI Garry!!!
I think the really interesting on is The Friedman Doctrine.