That’s not a thing 😄
That’s not a thing 😄
What “Han Chinese policy”…?
You know the one-child policy only applied to Han Chinese in major cities right? Ethnic minorities were exempt.
And ethnic minorities have autonomy, meaning they rule themselves and have their own laws/governments. Like the Tai people in Guangxi, or Inner Mongolia where they still have signs in the Mongolian script. While in Mongolia they use the Cyrillic alphabet 😄
The Chinese government sponsors local cultural events and practices, builds temples to local religions (like the largest Buddhist temple in the world in southwest China), incentivizes learning local languages (by having bilingual schools) etc etc.
What has any western country done in that respect? In guarding and preserving minority cultures? Like how are Canada or Australia doing? I won’t even mention the US 😄
Lmao vuvuzela ok gotcha
Can it become a global superpower without becoming “democratic”?
Because that means a liberal western style democracy right? Where policies enacted by representatives only benefit 1% of the people? Like scientific research has shown that like 10% of laws passed actually represent the will of the vast majority of people. And 50% represent the will of the 1%.
While in China people are constantly polled (like monthly or weekly sometimes) about their opinions, situations, desires, and then laws are formed from that. They participate in local government in councils, and directly decide how their immediate community lives.
What even is democracy? To me it’s to have the will of the people represented in our states.
This doesn’t happen anywhere in the west. When was the last time a government in any major western country was POPULAR. And did what people actually wanted?
How is THAT democracy?
China is not easy to immigrate to, true. But saying they are monocultures or xenophobic is CRAZY.
China has way more peoples and cultures than most countries. It has waaaay more languages officially spoken and taught in school than the US. It’s more comparable to the EU, if it had formed like a thousand years earlier.
Just search a couple of random Chinese provinces or autonomous regions (places where minorities self-govern 😲) in like the north and the south, or the west and the east, and read on the culture and ethnicities there.
Seriously Americans insist they have such vast cultural differences within the US, because “here we say pop and there they say soda; most people here are anabaptist, but there they are Methodists”.
Bro in China they speak languages that are not even related. They follow religions that are separated by thousands of years. They have cultural practices that are unique to their region that developed for thousands and thousands of years.
China is infinitely more diverse than 90% of countries in the world.
Hummm the “liberal world order” is 100% “countries” using arms to push their will. Countries being “the west”.
And YOU having “human rights” is not really dependent on the “liberal world order”. Most of your rights were won by blood and tears during the late 1800s and early 1900s, through popular movements mostly ideologically aligned first with anarchism then with communism.
Also, the vast majority of the world not having human rights and being colonized and exploited IS your “liberal world order”.
So not really sure how you specifically benefit from western imperialism, unless you are a billionaire ofc. Which I highly doubt.
Market value and value are different things. Value is how much a product is socially necessary, and how hard it is to produce. Market value then is what people end up paying for it in a free market. They are often different, but in aggregate for the whole end up being the same.
Capitalism really
Willie will forever be my GOAT.
I mean there were actually two “intelligence” explosions for humans, once as Homo Erectus like 2 million years ago. Then again as Homo Heidelbergensis ~ 700,000 years ago. So way before dogs.
As in we have evidence of H. Erectus with brains as big or even bigger than ours. And by the time of H. Heidelbergensis our brains stabilised around the size they are today.
Dogs 100% were selectively bred to be permanently juvenile as well.
Dogs have extreme neonatal characteristics. They are basically forever-wolf-puppies.
Their heads are rounder, eyes bigger, proportions more exaggerated, more playful etc. etc.
And we actually know the main brain difference between wolves and dogs is that dogs don’t mature basically ever neurologically.
Wolves are in basically every way smarter than dogs.
We dumbed down wolves and made them babies forever.
Our biggest rivals for millennia.
We are… fucked up.
Anyways love puppies ❤️
Kinda terrible examples tho…
Sure “Hitler lost”. Cause he killed himself and stuff. But the Nazis won. The US saved most officers and gave them jobs in NATO and the nascent west German government. Then used them to hunt and undermine communists all over the world. The Nazis themselves kinda won. The Cold War was basically a Nazi war, which they won.
The south “lost”. But after they lost the US became the most racially segregated country in the world and became the chief inspiration to the Nazis.
Then the US literally bombed Japan TWICE for no fucking reason other than spooking Stalin.
You have 3 wrong examples, that actually show we are living in the timeline where the Empire won.
I cant read twitter threads I have no account.
But come on, they were a bit shit on Corbyn when the AS bs first started but they’ve been defending him fiercely ever since, up to this day.
And then being friends with Zionists idk, that would be surprising.
And also, George Galloway can f off…. There’s PLENTY to criticise about him.
Now imagine you have 0 knowledge or understanding of anything.
You don’t understand there is a thing called vision. You don’t know about dimensions. You don’t understand that objects exist. That things have shapes, colors perhaps. That there are materials.
You don’t even have eyes per se, or any other sensor. You can’t see.
You don’t understand what thoughts are. What concepts are, nevertheless any concepts themselves.
If I showed you a side-plane picture of a car, directly plugged into your brain, do you think you’d recognize “cars” if we suddenly also gave you eyes and legs and told you walk around downtown?
From the moment you are born you are “trained”. From the moment the first strains of organic molecules closed themselves off from their environment, they’ve been “trained”.
I really like BreakThrough News. Also Novara Media that people have mentioned.
To understand a recumbent bicycle you have to understand bicycles. To understand bicycles you have to understand wheels. You have to understand humans, and human transportation. What IS transportation. What are roads. What is a pedal. What is steering. How physics works for objects in motion. Etc etc etc etc.
You truly underestimate the amount of context and previous knowledge you need to understand even the simplest things.
You know what bicycle are though. And you’re heard of recumbent bikes or things similar to it.
If you had never heard of anything similar at all to bikes, and saw a picture of a recumbent bike from the front only, you’d probably think “ I have no fucking idea what that is”.
Idk man, weird for you to think humans can kinda learn fully about something without all the required context.
What if the human had never seen or heard of anything similar to cars?
I bet it’d be confused as much as the llm.
My dad has the same issue and my girlfriend also had. I was able to help her, he is a lost cause.
But honestly it’s really basic. Just don’t yell while sneezing. Sneeze without vocalising at all. Even if it’s “strong”, it won’t be nearly as loud.
This is just like “muscle memory”. You one day started yelling while sneezing, and it became subconscious.
If you consciously try to not do it every time you sneeze, that too will become subconscious and “muscle memory”.
Dang I can’t find anything on that that’s not NED propaganda /: seems like it’s fake surprise surprise