Wait, that’s not common?
Wait, that’s not common?
Add some liquid schwartz and see Barf turn into a dog.
Borg in the middle of a battle, systems corrupted, restoring backups, systems not available for three hours. Then some small ship thinks they know how to defeat the Borg only for their civilization to be wiped out.
I could feel my dread go as I heard that lines over the years, as a young teen? Of course we will we always have, we endure. As a middle aged adult? I’m not so sure we aren’t going to shove ourselves back to the cave man era and not enough people will listen to anyone with survival knowledge for the species to survive.
Then I think about how many species that must have and will happen to in this vast universe, so we’ll probably be an average result heh in the grand scheme of things that is.
The speeder scenes rocked, the few times I got to play the game on that in an arcade it was definitely closer to actually riding at death defying speeds in a semi open forest area, and it wasn’t a quarter game either if I recall.
The score with the final lightsaber scene makes it great as well though in my books. Without the same music it wouldn’t have worked nearly as well…though that’s probably the same for a lot of the scenes. As great as the movie is I can still just listen to the music on its own, used to even on vinyl back in the day, Dad’s soundtrack and my fisher price record player lol.
Hadn’t heard of that before but think I’ve seen a random comic or two. Did a Google search and eventually had to look it up to see if it was very dry satire, evidently it’s not. Huh…
Always enjoyed his appearances as a side character in the cartoons, but when you got the main justice league lineup you don’t really need another superman…firestorm…green lantern…martian man hunter … damn they got a lot of overpowered superheroes going on in that orbital cannon. Makes you wonder why they needed that space station armed, they could blow up the world easier than nukes.
I don’t have much to say on Horgan but I have usually voted NDP for BC elections so I voted for him in the past.
Regarding Star Trek I imagine there’s some correlation for liberal views and Star Trek but it probably comes down to how you watch it. I recall seeing either a meme format or article about Dax’s (Deep Space 9 episode for those unfamiliar) female kiss and apparently they got a lot of people calling in with hate for it. The other part was the people who wrote in tended to show support for the scene. So it seems like it comes down to how you view what you watch. I’m not sure what impact the series has on me exactly but I do know I like how the TNG makes their ideals look and I watched it every Friday(think that was the day) that I could when it was new.
If you can’t beat 'em, swallow them.
Not saying wrong but that movie came out in '99, so I think a retro of the 90s would be closer to mid to early 90s since there’s that bleed over to the early '00 decade. Of course I’m older so maybe that part would be included, just more considered it 00s era.
Since I didn’t comment otherwise I’ll mention Xtreme sports, frosted hair colours, and some neon bleed over (though not cyberpunk levels) from the 80s for a 90s retro.
I see what you’re saying, when you said put it out of your mind it more sounded like forget about it, which isn’t helpful when people see a problem, but you have to know what you can reasonably impact. There is usually more that can be done but time and money are limited. Many people don’t have the time to campaign for ideas which in itself is an issue with the way things are run in my opinion.
Depends on the reaching of the action, even if the event was out of their control but going to impact them, say an invasion or war breaking out at their location it’d be warranted. However in a general sense I agree, it causes undue stress if there’s nothing directly they can change.
People thinking like that is how we get some people fighting for rights, the current fight may not directly impact them but they can see how it’ll impact things in the near future when more rights are changed. I mostly agree with not adding undue stress but sometimes it can be difficult to know when it’s undue or warranted because it can happen quickly once the ball starts rolling.
Cause as DPS it’s harder to find a group.
I started that like 10 years ago, unfortunately I have a funky shaped head so it doesn’t look as good as it may on others but I do enjoy the maintenance on it. I can definitely tell these days it won’t grow back like it used to (much thinner on the top, edging back on the top sides). However being able to use a hair trimmer once a week myself is cheap, and less things to do while getting ready in the morning.
I can understand since society seems to put value on hair but not worrying about it (some confidence) goes a long way. I barely think about it nowadays.
Not if the place doesn’t do daylight savings time, and not all places in a timezone will do that (least in North America) so you need extra code if they do or do not. It becomes a pain after awhile when you do it in multiple projects. Technically one extra setting but it’s still a pain to make sure it’s handle properly in all cases, especially when the previous programmer decided to handle it for each case individually, but that’s a different issue.
Also when you deal with the times, say in .Net you gotta make sure it’s the proper kind of date otherwise it decides it’s a local system date and will change it to system local when run. Sure it’s all handled but there are many easy mistakes to make when working with time.
I probably didn’t even get to the real reason, I sort of picked this up on my own.
As a kid I rarely listened to anything, these days I put on Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy radio show, just go bacl to the start I’ve heard up to the third phase often but not the further ones as much. In the more recent past it may have been a Harry Potter (UK) book or again Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy voiced by Stephen Fry. Guess that’s a lot of UK stuff considering I’m Canadian, but Fry has such a nice voice to drift off to.
According to a few Google searches it was a physisict Hugh Everett in the late 50s. I am sure there were others in more meta and philosophical concepts in the past but I get the idea he is the known physicist to come up with it.
Disclaimer I didn’t read a lot but his name came up a few times and I assume he had a theory that could relate to physics at the time.
I still like that Flash was probably the first for pop culture, when weird time travel started happening in other shows (after deep into Flash recent series) I started joking it was just Barry messing up crap between the multiverse and time.
You think there can only be one god? That sounds limiting. I don’t believe in any, but say does Buddhism really contradict most of Christianity real values? Like be good to people (help the less fortunate) try to let things go to not burden your well being (praying for forgiveness), respect others (do unto others). Besides having to actually believe in a god what’s the difference between the two? Though the Buddhist view I’m thinking of doesn’t require a god either but both seem to have teachings of compassion and love for your fellow person (some restrictions apply when dealing with intolerant types). I’m not saying you shouldn’t have faith but don’t say one has to be wrong.
But if media can’t blame the liberals for any issue, who can they blame? The conservatives? Not according to their owners, no siree, not this conservative mouthpiece.
Time to go to the rave?