About time they retired C. Oh, that’s not what happened?
About time they retired C. Oh, that’s not what happened?
Switch instance to programming.Dev. they hide all politics and porn communities from “all” for you unless you subscribe to them.
The AI race ends with everyone running cheap local models and no business being able to profit from them.
FUTO is source available, so in terms of safety it is just as good as FOSS. All the voice to text is done locally. I use the FUTO keyboard and Grayjay and they’re both amazing. Don’t get too hung up on their license. It prevents other businesses from taking their source code and taking over the space with a for profit application. It is 99% as good as FOSS.
That and people found out the data was being used to identify people who hadn’t even taken the tests, but their family members had, and the data was being shared with third parties.
Currently at bronze which means it at least starts up, but that’s about it.
I still recommend GIMP 3.0 as it has made huge changes that vastly improved user workflow, such as non-destructive editing, multi-layer selection, lower clicks required for each action, etc. It feels much more modern now and non-developer user friendly.
Or you get a windows VM and run your favorite program in that. It works but has a slight performance decrease. You can disable internet access on the VM to prevent telemetry and spyware.
A laptop running linux mint.
On a slightly brighter note, It will no doubt bring more attention to fingerprinting which in turn will speed up fingerprint obfuscation development and fingerprinting regulation. It will also add more people to the obfuscated user pool. Right now you are essentially helpless against fingerprinting because so few use obfuscation that you out yourself by using it, so google implementing fingerprinting might actually help people already using obfuscation. Non-JavaScript sites will also rise in demand and a debloating will occur.
Just return it. I’m sure they’ll understand. And it’s the thought that matters.
Not yet. Had to manually download.
It doesn’t look like it does. It has multiple stackable windows, though.
Yes, finally! I’ve been using the mobile app, and it has been nothing but amazing.
Here I was hoping school shootings had gone out of fashion and CEO shootings were the next hip thing.
Your house can burn. I still use my fire properly and don’t want it gone just because you played with yours and burned your house down.
I would probably argue the opposite. What is the purpose of a community where no actual discussions are had, and people just look at and upvote memes?
That depends entirely on the currency.
Ethereum l2 has way lower (less than a tenth) transaction fees than credit cards and barely has an impact at all on the environment because there is no mining.
And cryptocurrencies do have consumer protection services but no one ever uses them.
More importantly, however, Visa and mastercard collude and boycott japanese anime and manga websites because they think anime and manga promote gender stereotypes, so credit cards can fuck right off.
You have to be able to redistribute commercially, but the FUTO license only allows non-commercially.
This has no effect on us users so it is essentially just as good as open source, but technically it is not open source.
FUTO keyboard. It has the best swipe-typing and voice to text out of all source-viewable ones. (Not fully open source due to the license)
Same here, and I also learned it trying to learn how to wiggle my ears.