Guillotines for kings
Guillotines for kings
I’m disappointed in Dave grohl
Nice try, foreign agent.
Avocado, nuts, fish, kombucha
Hall monitor type for fucking sure
They better be careful, the AI could actually make stuff more impartial. They wouldn’t want that
Everything degrades with time. Drives degrade faster than disks in storage (assuming you store the disks properly)
I would only use CDs for long term storage, theyre still the best for that. HDD for convenience.
My thoughts are you can fuck the fuck off.
Not today skynet
I think this is a generational question. I’m anal about tabs being left open like a light in the house being on
laughs in .dev
Ok, someone please explain to me why default wallpapers are a story in any way?? And everytime a new version of a desktop comes out, I’m baffled to see that theres an actual discussion and debate about…default wallpapers??? Like in the same sense that people talk about ACTUAL desktop features…
You guys don’t change your wallpaper??.. Who in the flying fuck cares about the goddamn default wallpaper?!?!?!?
Just memes and 196
If your system is using pipewire, any audio player will also use it.
Strawberry is the best youre gonna get. For KDE, Elisa is also an option ive used in the past. Prettier but simpler.