Phone key pad auto correct 😂
Phone key pad auto correct 😂
No, I don’t encrypt. I am a grown ass man and I rarely take my laptop out of my home. I don’t have any sensitive data on my various machines. I do use secure and encrypted cloud services to store things that I consider a security risk. Everything else is useless to a potential intruder.
I rate disroot as a good free alternative. Personally I use FastMail. It’s paid, but you know how the saying goes, “if the service is free the you’re the product”.
There is no way Trump wrote that tweet. It is full of punctuation and clearly gets a point across. It was clearly written by someone else. Nevertheless, time to delete protonmail.
I quit Facebook and Instagram years ago, long before it was called Meta. Fuck that goon.
Please enlighten me as to what happened with ecosia?
Chimera is cool, and that’s coming from someone who uses Void and Alpine and NetBSD. I’ve not run it on real hardware yet, perhaps I’ll give it a try.
The solution will be for have developers to fully support Linux. I’d date to say they the majority of people still using windows are doing so because they’re gamers. While Linux has done what it can to support gaming, it’s now up to the game Devs to build games that run on Linux
I’m almost willing to bet that big tech companies are already doing this. They got the motive and the means. No doubt Meta or Google have dedicated some of their servers to mining our Lemmy data in this way.
I cannot stress this enough…
Came here to share this one too