unplug it’s internal DOM (disk on memory - look it up)
then boot installation from USB stick of desired OS - you might have problem with fan control (old docus: https://www.cyrius.com/debian/kirkwood/qnap/ts-41x/tips/)
unplug it’s internal DOM (disk on memory - look it up)
then boot installation from USB stick of desired OS - you might have problem with fan control (old docus: https://www.cyrius.com/debian/kirkwood/qnap/ts-41x/tips/)
gmail with separate account than primary one
always put limits on containers !
container_name: qbittorrent
cpus: 1
mem_limit: 1g
As you wish master ! https://github.com/kannagi0303/yt-dlp-gui
you can use https://github.com/kazukikasama/youtube-dlp-gui-installer to ease the “installation problems”
Ouch , arch is not my area of expertise.
I could help with Debian installation or in docker.
for me qbitorrent works without any issues on docker, what is the problem with it ?
I’m looking at it daily for … erm 5 minutes? If you use gui like flood, that will consume more resources for few bells and whistles - it’s a waste in my eyes.
Be more specific what does not work, what is your env (OS, etc etc).
time to read up ! https://trash-guides.info/ :>
I strongly recommend to use docker compose
- believe me it’s much better experience
im using yt-dlp with crontab and archive i.e. (execerpt from script):
mkdir -p /share/_ANIME/_ANIME/Z_Download/Downloaded/yt_channels/DUST/ && cd /share/_ANIME/_ANIME/Z_Download/Downloaded/yt_channels/DUST/ && yt-dlp -N 4 --write-auto-sub --sub-lang "en,pl" --embed-metadata -i --restrict-filenames --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail --embed-subs --download-archive /exploit/logs/youtube_channels/DUST.log "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T08deT2tnf0&list=PL2X2odndvaIe-Fd-XVtE4LuRrwi0W1E_s&pp=iAQB"