If humans can do it why not cameras?
You’re saying I’m wrong?
TCP/IP is not the same as TCP, and UDP/IP doesn’t exist
The oral cigarettes. Yes, that’s their name
If I yawn the wrong way (usually when turning my head), my hyoid bone shifts and gets stuck. I have to move it back in place by hand, carefully. That was a scary discovery.
Oh shit that happens to me too and I’ve never known what it was, thank you
Not a tracker, but soulseek is great
Brother I barely have pcie 4
What I don’t get is why emulator devs don’t develop completely anonymously, you can’t shut them down if you don’t know who they are
Oof, I guess Logitech is better in that regard
Install once, configure, uninstall
Oh yeah? Well I’m gonna love him and cherish him forever
There’s probably a million examples in Japan
I can’t even tell what you’re mad about
Bone apple tea
Been using it for a while, works well
I want to see an image of this but I don’t want it in my search history