G2 Grape Gatorade Drink
G2 Grape Gatorade Drink
I mean wouldn’t you want to separate yourself from people who put you in essentially an abusive prison/lockdown camp for nearly a year because they didn’t bother trying to help you with your ADHD?
Paris Hilton shares story of traumatic abuse while testifying before congress
‘Stolen’ exposes horrors of pricey rehabs for troubled teens
Go to Meow Wolf in Houston!!! It’s immersive art- so think art museum that you can touch the walls and interact with the artwork. Their experience in Houston is called Radio Tave. Give yourself a good amount of time to explore an wear comfortable clothing/shoes. Meow Wolf does attempt to make their art installations accessible for all sizes, ages, and abilities- so if you visit while on crutches, on a walker, or in a wheelchair, both you and your dad should still have an enjoyable time! Hope it all goes well!
If you’re the one working then why would your SO be able to threaten to not pay bills? Maybe it’s time to change which account your paychecks are going to. Have you considered opening a separate account just for you? Or try taking your name (or theirs) off as many joint accounts as possible. Maybe freezing your credit so nothing else can be opened in your name (assuming you’re in the us)? Are you are legally married to them? If so filing for divorce might be another avenue to talk to a lawyer about. (Most lawyers don’t charge for the initial consultation).
Are there any domestic violence shelters in your vicinity? It truely sounds like you’re in an abusive relationship and being held hostage in your own home. It’s only a matter of time before the violence gradually increases, because nothing you will ever do will appease them long enough to change their minds on how to treat you. Can you record people in your state/country? The us has some states where only one party needs permission to record so giving yourself permission is fully acceptable to begin recording. There are also some apps that can record audio/video when the phone appears off and uploads the video onto the internet.
You do not have to answer any of these questions. This internet stranger is just worried for you and truly hopes you find a safe haven. Regardless of anything else, I’m proud of you for working so hard to better yourself and your circumstances!
Great breakdown! I’d like to add train to the options. OP might be able to utilize an Amtrak train for a portion of the trip depending on the travel destination. Here’s a map of their routes. Tickets can be purchased online, they offer assistance for disabilities, and they have places to lie down or eat food.
If you decide to fly OP, consider getting a pack of gum to chew on to help with pressure/popping in your ears during altitude changes of takeoff and landing.
100% agree. OP’s safety comes first and foremost!
Maybe the FBI would be a better contact in this case? I may be wrong, but to me the brothers explicit words of intention and access to guns seems very much like a threat of premeditated domestic terrorism. If that’s indeed the case, here’s the FBI’s page with contact options near the bottom.
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal/live with this OP. You deserve much better. This internet stranger is proud of you for doing all that’s within your power in such a shitty situation!
Your genetics play a role in how you metabolize opioids. Here’s the study: www.acsh.org
Off Menu - guests get interviewed over their dream food meal menus
Song Exploder - singers, composers, musicians are interviewed about a specific song that they wrote/created/performed. It’s broken down into sections of the work and then the whole song is played at the end of the episode.
James Acaster’s Perfect Sounds - guests are given an album from 2016 that they listen to before the podcast recording, then they are interviewed on their opinions and thoughts about the album.
I am eternally sad about Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and Ask Me Another going off the air.
Wearing the wrong length/width/shape shoe will indeed mess up your feet. Wearing the correct size/shape shoe for your individual feet will not give such issues. Additionally different shoes do different things so wearing the best one for the activity being done will yield the best results.
Changing to different shoes every day is also really important to dry out sweat and avoid repetitive injuries caused by wearing the same shoe such as corns, callouses, deformations, stress fractures, etc.
That said, cheap material and lack of local shoemakers, makes finding the good/best fit incredibly difficult if not impossible. Couple with feet size shifting throughout the day (swelling) and the changes over a lifetime, really makes everything more complicated. And that’s not even acknowledging prices or fashions.
If one decides to go barefoot, know that the impact can increase loss of the fatpad on the bottom of the foot over time.
Dogs can and do eat people. https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/animals/would-your-dog-eat-you-if-you-died-get-the-facts
I do agree that OP should look into already existing services that are actively monitored.
There has been a decline in third places. There was a decline before the pandemic but the pandemic made it worse. Here’s an article about the decline in America specifically and the newer ways people are trying to connect. It won’t help you make more friends, but will help get perspective of one of the reasons things have changed.
For books try https://m.alibris.com/
(Un)surprisingly, the US had lots of public pools, but they got removed because of racism. Definitely affects everyone especially the poor with little means of travel. https://www.marketplace.org/2021/02/15/public-pools-used-to-be-everywhere-in-america-then-racism-shut-them-down/
You can also search for estate sales proxibid.com